
I don't know.. I consider myself fairly well traveled, and I find myself in America at least once a year these days, so I feel I have a reasonably level-minded disposition.. but I might have to disagree here.

What could possibly go wrong? Oh, wait...

"Last year, a research firm released a report highlighting that Intellectual Ventures has up to 1,110 shell companies, with which it can hide its activities. This is a very common practice among patent hoarders. They set up shell companies for their lawsuits, that often make it difficult to track back who actually

@countjackula: I don't know... most depressing? This image is also pretty depressing.

@Jimmy1: Actually, it's you who's failed at understanding the topic in question. The study itself sites low-income individuals among rurally-located and uneducated (less than high school) as demographics under-served by high-speed broadband access.

@Hilo: The condescension meter on that last comment registered about three octaves higher than I intended..

@Sibuna: "One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings." - Diogenes of Sinope

@jdale: If anything, wouldn't RIM's main North American servers be located in Canada?

We're going to need a bigger cart..

@ortizlgnd4: They spent the last 30 minutes explaining that it wasn't ever an issue, simply a reality of all cell phones that was blown out of proportion in this particular case due to the high profile of the iPhone.

Jobs mentioned "the early days" of 3Gs sales, so I would assume they cover approximately equal time frames.

The headline should have read as follows:

"The RIAA originally wrote a cease and desist letter to Tenenbaum asking for $3500. Tenenbaum mailed them $500. They rejected it. RIAA sued and demanded $12,500. He refused and this litigation ensued.

@earle117: These trial cases generally seem to come about after the defendants have conducted massive, noteworthy amounts of file sharing. This case in particular focused on a representative 30 out of 800+ songs he had been sharing.

ATTENTION: The beaches are all perfectly safe. Please continue bringing your families and small children to the beaches, as your continued good health is secure.