
Exactly. Completely agreed. Just look at those silly Americans, trying to destroy immigration simply because they fear all those scary "brown" people. They really are a backward nation, aren't they?

This just in...

"[...]And while the five hours of radio silence in Knoxville vastly overshadows the[...]"

@nuclearbalm: It's just that it's hard to watch an entertaining, informative site that you've come to enjoy briefly descend into tabloid-quality, biased American political gossip.

..not sure what all the fuss is about..

@Johann Schmidt: "To bad that gun won't protect you from getting rapped by the monthly fee for the satellite."

@The_Game21x: You may simply be joking, but please do support the author, for whom vast amounts of time is spent creating a story for your enjoyment. An author's book is like an artist's painting; it's a personal work for which much of their wealth is tied to the popularity of their prints, and few are truly income

@samwize11: "Yea, because a school full of children being killed by a tsunami is HILARIOUS. I totally get it, hahahaha."

He was on a tour route, in their nation's capital, wholly escorted by individuals whose job it was to determine where he could and could not go and with whom he could and could not interact...

@Xiaobo Liu: It looks like 12.8% goes to administration expenses (around 250k last year) and another 5.5% (~100k) to fundraising expenses. So about 80 cents to every dollar actually makes it too those in need.

Seriously people, it's not about the f-bomb. He, as the official mouth-piece of Chrysler, degraded the residents of Detroit (for their ability to drive, no less!) when Chrysler's entire multi-million dollar ad campaign is based on the premise that they live, breathe, sweat and bleed Detroit. (insinuating that Detroit K

@icfan: The problem with your logic is that you're comparing an average of actual time served to a theoretical "worst case scenario" maximum sentence for this specific incident. I believe it's safe to say he won't serve even nearly that length of time.

@kaffenated: "With no disrespect, maximum group efficiency is happening all around you.."

@kaffenated: "There is no "magical" moment - ever. This means there is no line. This does not mean I condone going out and taking life [...] without very great reward that overrides risk or impact."

@kaffenated: I don't believe you understood his comment.

@EthanPeter: I don't know.. Seems like for every article touting an advancement due to adult stem cell research, there're at least half a dozen comments to the effect of "How do you like THEM apples you bible-thumping, dogma—preaching, lunes!"

@PlatinumVengeance: "One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings."