
Sure Jan. The only reason why I don't currently live in a castle is because I don't want to. 

the current leader of the free world is clearly too dumb to understand that.”

I can’t imagine hating myself enough to ever watch this show.

Hey guys, guys... I bet when Trump’s followers learn that the Mueller report is not anything close to a wholesale exoneration of the President, but is actually an exceedingly complex legal document that outlines a staggering amount of evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Trump’s various organizations and teams and

Press Presses Press Sec Into PR Disaster Re: PR Disaster

As someone who has social anxiety and hates being touched, that kind of shit bothers the fuck out of me. Like, sorry, you’re not entitled to my body or my personal space just because you don’t have issues with touching.

I hate people who call themselves “huggers.”

Kicking and Screaming is the catchall phrase for this presidency, all right. Governor Rossello has pegged Trump righteously with that one.

“(This is a party whose elected officials, after all, barely understand the concept of health insurance as it exists today.)“

This can’t be said enough, and it’s true of their dumbass supporters on the internet as well. Every single time you hear/see someone say “why should I have to pay for other people’s healthcare

The republican party hates democracy. The republican party hates America. It is the only explanation as to why they work so hard to suppress the voice of the majority.

...the two lead homicide inspectors on the case, Maureen D’Amico and Michael Johnson, not only made up evidence against Trulove but withheld evidence that would have helped him.

When is trump going to give us the kind of funeral we want?

Fuck Joe Manchin 

Kinda surprised she didn’t suggest black people need to repay whites for all the food their slave ancestors ate, plus the cost of transatlantic shipping.

Gohmert Pyle, ladies and gentlemen!

I mean... was there ever any doubt that’s where it would come from? At a high level, if you’re taking money from the military budget, you’re either taking money from infrastructure/maintenance, defense contractors, or the troops. You can’t really take money from the first one without shit literally falling apart. You

Um, isn’t that in violation of the First Amendment?

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

Alabamans are proud, hard working people who will not take more than they give to the federal till. They hate socialism and they love all of the self made men like Trump that are their republican heroes.