felt the bern

Sorry but Kevin is approaching Kobe-level awareness on the court. He’s putting up numbers we haven’t seen in a long, long time. He’s killing it man, just like Hillary.

“Russell who?”

I wouldn’t even call him a candidate at this point. Jeb! is a candidate. Trump is just a clown, and not the scary ones that are pulling kids into the woods and making them little clowns or whatever the hell is going on in this goddamn country. No, he’s like a real clown living paycheck to paycheck in his mom’s

Right? Bernie was boring and nobody looks back and says he was a bad candidate. He was just boring and wrong. Hillary is not boring per say, but she is status quo I guess.

No, but a lot of people are. Trump makes fun of them. Hillary wants to help them. Seems you’re like Trump in more ways than you realize.

I heard he was promised a bucket of fried chicken and a lifetime of waffles and 50 pounds of Crisco for dipping sauce.

I used to support Bernie but now I support Hillary. Bernie Bros were really sexist, just like you.

Honey, I went to an Ivy League school.

He looked friendlier and cuter when he was fat. Now he looks like some emaciated cigarette stealing skateboarder punk that never gets the girl and ends up bitter and annoying. Good to be healthy though. I’m vegan myself.

Juanita B should be in jail for extortion and Paula Jones is a liar. Bill Clinton is the victim of a decades-long smear campaign and so is Hillary. If you believe any of that stuff you belong in a loony bin with Trump.

Love this kind of stuff. Just really shows that we all came from the same place. No need for the kind of racism and hatred from Trump supporters. No need for bigotry from Trump. Black Lives Matters.

You are a rape apologist. I am not. Guess that’s where we differ?

I thought Drew Magry was fat.

Ok, you don’t see that happening. And what, praytell, is your legal background?

Never thought I’d say this, but thank God for Bush!

Ha. Christie was probably promised a sack of donuts and a tub of mayonnaise for dipping. Giuliani was probably promised an old school plantation with all the fixins. Horrible people.

Yes and no. I took a little law in college and you could easily prosecute these people for what they are doing. 7-10 years with no parole would be a cakewalk slam dunk case for this kind of libel.

Hillary is not possessed by demons. That just shows how desperate the other side is. It’s ridiculous to even say she’s possessed by demons. I guess it’s Halloween though.

So... how is this not criminal again? It’s at least libel. Time to start putting these “protesters” behind bars. This is NOT ok.

I used to think that he was covertly working for The Clintons and maybe he is. He has no chance of winning. All the Bernie Bros came over to Hillary and Trump is left with a pocketfull of rural Southerners. Maybe this is all by design to destroy the Republican Party. Couldn’t have written it better myself.