felt the bern

Haha yeah right ;)

Oh, nice. Ok, I didn’t know you had an abortion. Alright alright I was wrong about you. You are definitely fleek and on point.

Hillary has the most stuff to play with.

No, he didn’t say that. He does however support Hillary now.

Ok, listen. I don’t think All Lives Matter or whatever. I’m actually a member of Black Lives Matters so please don’t you try that with me. Not on this topic.

No doubt, but we need to promote abortion too. There’s still a stigma around it.

thenation.com? Is that a Klan website or something?

Kap is a winner. Full stop.

Get them to reattach the comments to the archived posts and you will have gimmicks galore.

Hillary never said that “super predator” thing. That’s just a Republican conspiracy talking point. Seriously, people need to stop saying that.

He’s as woke as they get. In his post game interview he said that he needs to be “supporting the right side of history, whatever history paints me as in the future because we need Hillary to be our president. We can’t do this with Trump. She is so qualified. I supported Bernie but now I’m supporting her. I’m with

Well when I left to grab my partner and found them in the hot tub I was too scared to ask what the hell was going on but then after I got settled in with them I didn’t want to be a Debbie Downer and spoil the fun.

FYI there’s a slight grammatical typo in the title. Fixed below:

Kap is lit af.

Tim Robbins was a badass in Shawshank and he also once supported Bernie Sanders but now supports Hillary.

Back in December 2010 right before the holidays [if you celebrate one] I took four weeks off work. The standard early December to mid-January bit. We were gonna go back home to Chicago to see my family in Glencoe but decided to take our own trip to somewhere more tropical instead.

Wow, that was hard to watch. I love some Olympic hockey but this stuff is downright brutal. Something needs to be done.

I’m thinking Secretary of Shade Deflection. Like solar panel chic.

Honest Abe didn’t serve a day in govt before getting elected. He was a two-bit lawyer. Just sayin.

Nah, that’s not true at all. Hillary should have won in 2008 but Obama played the race card on her which wasn’t appropriate at all in that election cycle.