Hillary 2020

Signed. Sealed. Delivered.

The proof is in the pudding.

Mexico is not Latin American or Hispanic Culture? My Mexican cousin in law would disagree.

There called POCs. Please learn how to use appropriate terminology. It’s 2018 for god sakes.

Yup. Totally agree. Bob Saget is also a really violent comedian in terms of his language and subject matter. He fooled a lot of people with Family Matters but if you look even just a little bit into his other work it’s pretty terrifying.

First the scary hockey fight video and now this.

No need to show the pic of the accused. It only serves to stir up racist sports fans.


Blackface is always wrong. Always. You can’t explain away such atrocious behavior nor should you even try.

Interesting that hockey fights are always white men.

The fact that we can’t sit around moping anymore just because Russia stole democracy from us during one election. It was one election, we are more resilient than that and we need to start f*cking acting like it. We have assets galore and some of those assets are in silicon valley. Mega donors with mega powers.

They are first and foremost social engineers working toward a more equitable global society. Businesses second.

I know so. Giving you the final word here. All yours.

Hey Kath,

No One On Earth thinks that. You are wrong and I am right.

There is no such thing as a wealthy Trump supporter. All of silicon valley supports Hillary. And they are much, much wealthier than whoever is in Trump’s corner [nobody?].

Another American invention completely ruining the beauty of an already-perfect international pastime. So embarrassing.

He is the Master of None just like Aziz Ansari. Love that fella.

Always get this guy confused with Danny Glover. Haha. Great story.

Might I remind you that the #BlueWave is set to usher in the biggest congressional majorities we have had in nearly 75 years?