
Teen boys are going to lie about this!

Name calling seems to be the great liberal/ progressive feat. How about actually exchanging ideas. Like why each side believes the way they do?

You guys live in your little sub-culture where you all think alike. I live in a completely different world. I don’t know anybody who voted for Obama! I think we rural, small town, conservatives are more aware of your existance because of the liberal media. After reading many of these various blogs, etc., I’m convinced

I’m a man. I’ve spent 40 years in the trucking industry. I was never given the opportunity to work partime, flex-time, no accomadations to my schedule for family time. Yet these new career women seem to think businesses should make all these “accomadations” to their work schedules or it’s discrimination. Us guys

I would venture that the family knows what the wifes opinions are. She thinks they are racist , homophobes. I’m sure they view her as a radical, left wing kook and have no more desire to be around her than she does them.

It is a black superacy movement. All you “white guilt” liberals must have your eyes closed . Do you really think they will love you just because you pay lip service to their “cause”?

Thank you for saying that.

This is an outrageous statement. I am a white ,southern, male. I was born in 1954. Things are nothing like that at all in 2015. Lynchings were fairly common in the late 1800’s thru about the 1930’s. This was a horrible crime! But to paint the present day “south” as unchanged from 100 years ago is ridiculous.