
There is no reason to trust anything a republican says, ever. I’m not victim blaming (the Dems aren’t the victims, the voters are). This is something anyone and everyone should have figured out at least 15 years ago. There is *no* circumstance under which a Republican can be trusted to tell the truth or do the right

i mean at this point Dems get what they deserve. Feckless and worthless. Immortan Joe 2020

Now playing

Is it OK yet to suspend Godwin’s Law and call this a play straight out of some Nazi playbook? If that offends you, how about something from when the Soviets took over Russia? These Republicans really don’t care because Americans are just too stupid and tribal to care except to the extent that their side wins and the

So what can be done or is it just “LOOK WHAT THEY DID”

I don’t even know what to say at this point. I don’t think the Democrats were foolish to attend the 9/11 memorial. But at a certain point, they really have to start accounting for Republican bad faith tactics. If there are important votes on the books and the Republicans say not to worry and to trust them? Don’t trust

Republicans are obviously awful, but this sounds to me like just another incidence of Democrats dropping the ball. If the possibility existed that the republicans could try this, they should have foreseen it and shown up. Crap like this is why even with all the reports of polls showing X Democrat candidate winning Y st

Every damn time, the Democrats think this is it - this is the time that Lucy won’t pull the ball away at the last second - they are wrong.  And it’d be funny if it were so bad for our country that Democrats cannot seem to understand that there is no good faith Republican effort at Democracy. NONE. 

Seriously...how is it that ANYONE is fucking surprised at this?
They (those clownfuck NC GOP members) have taken the lessons taught by the likes of Newt Fucking Gingrinch, Moscow Mitch, and That Fucking Imbecile and run with them to the next level.

Don’t turn your backs on them.
Don’t EVER turn your backs on them.

Apparently I can read better than you! They were LIED TO! I know! SHOCKS OF SHOCKS! Republicans LIED about something and fucked over the Democrats! That never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever has happened in the history of humanity! Oh wait... sorry.... EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE.

“It erodes the trust in the institution, and the institution is built on trust.”

As a former resident of NC for nearly two decades, I will tell you I am not in any way shocked.

I hope the Dems go full scorched earth and do everything they can to destroy Republican majorities in that state for a generation or three.

Let’s be fucking honest here, to all the people that want to defend them for not being in the statehouse while ‘attending to other business,’ attending 9/11 memorials is just cheap pandering and scoring campaign points. They’re not out there doing anything other than shaking hands and checking boxes on their record

They should also assume that Democrats will use literally anything as an excuse for a day off. Just like in real life.

You’d think the Dems would have figured out by now that the Repubs are playing for keeps. How is this even surprising? My gods! Wake the fuck up and realize that they will do ANYTHING to win.

Republicans are cruel authoritarian subhuman garbage, they must be destroyed. No forgiveness, no mercy.

While the Republican efforts here are absolutely fucking deplorable, if I were a Democrat in N.C. right now, I would be livid at my representatives.

This is obviously despicable of the GOP, but why on Earth did so many Dems take the morning off? Two of them had reasons, but what about the others? I expect my elected officials to be present for meetings, even if there isn’t going to be a vote.

You can’t ever give republicans an inch. They openly support a lying shitbag president - you think they ain’t gonna do the same? Shoulda known better. 

Good god Dems are stupid and apparently completely incapable of learning from the same mistake they’ve made a thousand times over. Dems are forever the frog while Repubs are forever the scorpion. They will ALWAYS stab you in the back with venomous barbs. For fucksake Dems, pull your heads out of your asses.