
Speeding is dumb and bad, but if every other car around you is doing 10 over (as often happens on roads where the limit is set unreasonably low), it’s more dangerous to follow the speed limit exactly than it is to keep up with traffic.

“...is irresponsible since it only serves to aid impaired and intoxicated drivers to evade checkpoints and encourage reckless driving.”

Or, you know.. solving actual crimes.. I don’t give two sniff of a gerbil’s nose about traffic cops. but actually helping to solve/retrieve stolen property, vehicular crime/home theft, homicides, drunken/disorderly conduct, etc.. (all of which can be deterred (to an extent) by police presence in areas likely for it to

Cops tried this with Waze. Just reporting a cop all over the place. Users quickly noticed and de-voted the reports.

A) They would never admit to enforcing anything other than the posted speed limit.

DWI checkpoints also serve as guaranteed interactions with the police which many people may not want.

Safely doesn’t always jive with the rules in place. Just saying. Cops should spend less time enforcing speed, and more time enforcing things like proper merging and lane discipline. 

Disagree. If cops could put cameras everywhere and use them to monitor people living in the U.S., they absolutely would.

I used to work at a location that was just before a favorite spot for Phoenix to set this up. And since I, and coworkers, would turn off just before the checkpoint we would constantly have motorcycle cops come after us.

“We object to this technology, because it will encourage people to slow down and not speed, when what’s important is that we catch them speeding!”

Unless law enforcement wishes to admit that these devices are actually about revenue generation and not safety...

Enforcing the speed limit should be about public safety, not about revenue generation. I know what’s the reality, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. So if they can’t balance their budget, well, fuck them.

There’s no reason to be upset given that the purpose of these various cameras and such is to improve public safety, so a phone warning should produce the same result. Unless law enforcement wishes to admit that these devices are actually about revenue generation and not safety...

What I would need to give Waze up for Google Maps is the instant cop reporting feature, where someone reports ‘there’s a cop here’ and it shows up on everyone else’s phones within minutes. I’m not sure the Google’s ‘speed traps’ covers that, or is that more static?

The cops asking Google to not do this is admitting they care more about arrests and collecting fines than driver safety. Fuck cops. 

I was watching some videos made in Britain by a Tesla owner and enthusiast. He was demonstrating navigate on autopilot. What he showed me scared the shit out of me - and, from his reactions to some stuff, him!

This is sort of like when idiot anti-gun liberals use the term “fully semi-automatic” to express the function of eeeevil, scawwy black rifles like the AR-15.

If you have a passenger, you have three.

Prius already does that... once again, leading the way where Ferrari follows.

Looks like one :(