You’re not the only one that can’t stand Jimmy Fallon.
You’re not the only one that can’t stand Jimmy Fallon.
*chin up* and hug
Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!
Her “hard drives” do not store who she met or did not meet with. Do you think she managed her own calendar? I know she had the word “secretary” in her title, but come on...
THIS. Hillary is such a policy wonk super star. It is doesn’t get big rage headlines, but it rocks my world.
Two separate issues here. They were stonewalled in requesting info and that’s wrong. That’s issue one.
I know. How dastardly that America’s chief diplomat would meet with one of the rulers of a foreign country!! An ally no less, that hosts one of our major military bases. That makes it even worse. She should be doing her day job... err, meeting with rulers of foreign countries, like our allies
Uh...they were never getting in anyway. Sorry to break that to you.
All closing the foundation would do is prove to the right wing that they were right and it was corrupt. Meanwhile, a shit load of people would suffer and lots of good programs would stop.
They also tried to flog her in the same article for taking a meeting with the Crown Prince of Bahrain—a man who has met with the previous three Secretaries of State, who admits having gone through official channels already, and whom Huma Abedin tried her damnedest to blow off.
Reign? She was secretary of state...not sitter of the iron throne.
Reign? Seriously? On the plus side, at least you showed your lack of anything close to objectivity in the first sentence so that I didn’t have to read the rest, so thanks for that.
The point I was making is that many of these are people she already has relationships with, even prior to their donations. You’re dodging the issue by pointing to other cabinet members. That’s besides the point.
The AP has been roundly criticized for this claim that its “half of the people she met with.” That’s blatantly false. Its half of the non-governmental people she met with *whose names the AP could find*. She obviously met with many many many more than 165 people. She regularly did speaking events where she would meet…
I kind of hate how shitty Gawker writers are now writing for Deadspin about crap that has nothing to do with sports.
Yes, let’s shut down a charity that provides money for the poorest people in the entire world because Hillary met with 85 people who had donated to the foundation while she was sec. of state. Ehrmahgod, 85 people! That’s like, such a huge percentage of the number of people that the top diplomat of the world’s most…
Exactly. This is triangulation of the sort the Clintons have made an art form. Either the GOP abandons what’s left of their base or embraces it and all it stands for. Either way they lose something.
Look, racism and sexism were things America conquered in the 1960s. It’s only Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that brought them back. No one hates minorities and women in this country, just as long as no one has to listen to them. It’s fine they exist...totally fine. But they’re not qualified to hold public office…
As historical analysis, Clinton is indeed engaging in a very neutered version of history, if not an outright incorrect one: she’s embracing the sincerity of the things “moderate Republican” politicians told their moderate constituents, or whispered to themselves to assuage their guilt at what they dog whistled to the…