
I’d love to know where those sites are.. I come here because, although I will always be fucking gray and therefore muted and practically invisible, (which reminds me WAY too much of my daily struggle in a “dude’s industry” (film), at least I only get called a Feminazi or cunt once in a while here.

Jezebel is no longer a safe place for ardently feminist women. Not since trolls starting calling Hillary or her supporters the “c” word. Maybe after the election (of course we will still get the MRA trolls that like to post on any article about rape, abuse or other mistreatment of women, but at least they can be

This would’ve been much cooler at the State of the Union address!

How about “Let’s stop personally attacking Hillary and talk about the issues for a change” or “Let’s stop applying a double standard to the only woman running, why don’t we”? Because it’s weird to me that male candidates don’t have to answer for their wives’ sex lives but Hillary has to answer for her husband’s sex

Boo. The commenters are really the strongest reason to stick around at this point.

And how many of them are spaces that are safe and fun for ardently feminist women and have great community features? Huh?

I've been super disappointed lately. I used to feel like coming here regularly was enough to keep up on current events, and now it's mostly brain candy. Which is good once in a while— is this why all the writers are leaving?

Running for president is stressful and makes a person susceptible to colds. Can’t wait until she is sworn into office and get some well needed rest. ;-)

To be fair, if Joanna didn’t report it, Ashley or Melissa would have wrote up some article about how her coughing was indicative of her feelings on inmates lives or some other negative mess.

I love her gravelly voice while talking and while her throat was ON FIRE. This is more proof that she will make a great president! HILL YES! We love you Hillary!

i used to love it before jez got relegated to all things gossip, back when the slot had legit political commentary and was able to decide their own content. fuck denton.

Like how about “Hillary’s Problem Getting the Young Female Demo on Her Side” or “Division Among Feminists on How to Handle Hillary’s Defense of Her Husband Against Claims of Sexual Harassment and Assault”? Maybe “Why Ted Cruz’s Brand of Christianity is Toxic to Women”. “All the Positions Rubio Has Changed on (But Not

I love her coughing, eating baby bunnies, wearing sensible shoes, drinking beer, smoking a joint, wearing a pantsuit. I don’t care what Hillary does...she supports women and I support her. HILL YES! I support Hillary Clinton. Cough away, girl!

Something in my gut tells me this is linked to Benghazi...

Bernie coughed first and it was much more authentic.

Thank God for Jezebel—the one part of Gawker media that will print an article that defends Hillary and (even better) attacks MoDo. She’s the original Bernie bro, and she knows that she can ride their hostility to relevancy for at least a few more months.

EXTRA EXTRA - Maureen Dowd, still a total jerk, rambles slightly new flavors of her same old anti-Clinton dogma.

“In such a context, this particular piece is not much more than your aunt pulling you aside yet again to tell you about how her neighbors are letting their dogs shit in her yard.”

Maureen Dowd made her career writing hatchet pieces on the Clintons. The thing that is so dirty about what she does is that whenever she writes about Hillary, she very confidently claims to know what is in Hillary’s mind. Dowd doesn’t just criticize Clinton’s actions or positions she has actually articulated, which is