
YES THIS. Polers of the world, unite!

I have to wonder that as well. I actually went to high school with Jon, and he always was a very gentle soul and very respectful. It's amazing how either a) people can change or b) their true nature comes out.

USC alums tell a very similar story to this (true or urban legend...you decide). Story goes that Lucas and Spielberg were on the set of Indiana Jones. Lucas thinks it's going to be a hit; Spielberg says it's going to be a flop. The bet: the loser has to give a donation to the other's alma mater. USC has the

This happened to my mother a lot as well. She's of Scottish descent and used to have this bright blonde hair. My father is from an Ashkenazi descended-family, so everyone has dark, thick curly hair. Everyone, even up until I was in high school, had no idea she was my mother unless she told them. Many people

This movie has my FAVORITE soundtrack.

A) If I wanted to post their profiles, I would have. B) These profiles are public and are not hard to find. Anyone with a profile can find these guys. C) I was trying to illustrate the point that if they are guilty, they might want to rethink their privacy settings. D) Some people have already posted to their

I found their Facebook profiles. Just saying.


Gave up after the pilot.

Let me just say, Caitlyn Becker is gorgeous and this man is an IDIOT for being disgusted by her.

For social media, I always use a form of my name, but when it comes to games, I'm ALWAYS Taarna. She is a character from the Heavy Metal movie, and although her outfit is wayyyyyyyy too skimpy, she is seriously a badass.

There are no dumb questions, only wrongly colored ones. ;)

I don't know Kate personally and have never met, but we've been in correspondence before regarding createasphere before!

I'm a synesthete, and pretty much most of this is true.

Your stupidity is astounding.

Re: Bruno's video. That is DEFINITELY a double. I bet you anything that was not actually a stripper - it was a professionally trained pole dancer/aerialist. Those tricks are crazy hard to do, and usually (emphasis on usually) your general run-of-the-mill strip club stripper's will not know those tricks. This isn't

Of course! Love love love Moebius - one of the Long Tomorrow panels is my phone case.

That's from Arzach, not Airtight Garage.

People have been trying to make Monster for a bit now, so don't worry!

Hey hey hey!

I'm Hillary, and I work at a transmedia production company in Los Angeles. I love being able to combine my loves as a kid (movies, TV, comics, video games, books) and do this for a living. Being able to drop a Dune or a Myst reference in a meeting (and having someone get it) is quite nice, considering I