
And this is why you don’t give a platform to Milo IN ANY CAPACITY. Gamergate taught us this shit. We know what these guys are like..

Milo is a troll and a serious racist, but pretty sure he’s not a Nazi. They didn’t care much for his kind.

Hard pass, thanks.

Ugh. So over white dudes.

It’s still pissing me off Gibson’s been rehabilitated without any rehabilitation. Plus, he starring in the adaptation of one my favorite books—The Professor and the Madman—because I vowed I’d never watch a movie with him in it ever again.

Vince Vaughn is white mediocrity personified. Of course he hates affirmative action. The last thing he wants is someone talented and capable threatening him.

1) “In all of our schools it is illegal to have guns on campus, so again and again these guys go and shoot up these fucking schools because they know there are no guns there.” I went to a high school where there was a resource officer with a gun. Don’t know what Vaughn is talking about.

Reddit, on the other hand, is hyped as fuck for this!

Don’t tell that to the Bernie Bros.

Simple question: where’s Senator Sanders’ bill to enact Medicare for all? The ACA is about to repealed and replaced with...something. Instead of leading the charge for its replacement and filling the vacuum that is the lack of a plan (from either side), Sanders is playing defense and begging Trump to keep his pledge

Why are people still trying to make Sanders happen. He is not the Messiah. He is not that great of a Senator and if Vermont were a problematic state we will hear more about it.

Will await the ‘what could of been...’ posts from the Berners to roll my eyes

It’s straight up attention-whoring.

Can people just admit (finally) that Bernie Sanders fell in love with the sound of his own voice on his campaign trail? He’s doing this because it keeps him the spotlight.

“A Noun and a verb and the top 1%”* vs. A creepy sociopath

There’s not some inviting blue dog Democrat who isn’t able to speak in a tone that’s not “YELL” to do this?

I’d rather watch a cat debate a dog.

I am sort of wondering why they picked the one Democratic candidate for President who shat on the ACA and President Obama’s legacy every chance he could get during the primaries...

They’re both attention whores! No offence to regular whores.

Will someone let these jagoffs know that they will never be president and to kindly STFU.