
I stopped watching cable news on November 9. One of the best things I’ve done for myself in years. Whatever news I get I mostly get online.

No you don’t “got it.” I have no idea how you got ‘Bernie shouldn’t have been nominated because he’s Jewish” from my post. All I’m saying is that for him a victory over Trump was not the slam-dunk that many think it would have been. We’ll never know of course. Maybe he would have won. But between Jewish, Socialist,

Maybe. Bernie couldn’t connect with the black community, he didn’t have a negative campaign run against him, and you have to realize he would have scared off a lot of moderate Republicans in places like Virginia that voted for HRC over Trump.

I STILL have two FB “friends” who are DIE HARD Bernie Bros. Their attitude after the election has been “well everyone deserves this nightmare because Hillary”.

One of the Bernie bros I know who voted Trump just applied to several federal jobs. Ha. Enjoy that freeze you jackass

I’ll take the fact that she received 3 million more votes than the “winner” that she had a pretty good chance of winning. 

Been First Lady, served as Secretary of State, won a Democratic Presidential primary. Provided HIV drugs to 9 million people...

I thought that was shameful too, but it didn’t end up costing her party the whitehouse, so it can hardly be considered the “exact same thing.” McCain never had the groundswell that Trump had, Bernie should have bowed out for the strength of the party and nominee.

Without more context I’m going to assume you’re asking for communities of color and women, and for that I’m going to point you to (1) her lifelong work with the Children’s Defense Fund, (2) her investigations into schools refusing to integrate in the South, (3) her lifelong advocacy for early childhood education, and

“didn’t have a very good chance of winning the general.” Every poll had her winning.

I can’t recall anything “inspiring” coming from Hillary

Relentlessly mocking your opponent is also not a winning strategy.

You’re delusional if you think the DNC alone changed the primaries.

You wanted to make a difference. You wanted change. Be happy. Your difference helped make a change and it sure is going to be different now.

This and this and a thousand times this. Trump knocked off 16 Republican candidates and the most qualified candidate. But Bernie had the magic key and would have defeated him! Right.....a Socialist (Communist in the Repubs mind) Jew. I repeat, it’s easy to declare victory when you didn’t have to fight. They had reams

Once Hillary was nominated, whatever you thought of her, the most important task was to get her elected to avoid THIS. Instead, so-called progressives booed her at the convention, and kept right on bitching about her through November.

Yes, a fringe element of Bernie supporters were a real problem. They tried to disrupt the DNC convention, including booing Bernie himself and trying to heckle during Hillary’s acceptance speech. They drove Hillary supporters underground, which made it easy for the media to create a narrative of Hillary as dull and

If I have to hear the disenfranchised white dude narrative one more time, I’m going to hurl. This was, of course, the explicit campaign Sanders was running, one which the demographics of his voters reflects.

No. Bernie-bros are not the people who simply voted for Bernie, were unhappy when he lost the primary, then got over it and voted for Clinton as she was clearly the responsible choice.

“Bernie Bro” = “Slur,” Seriously?