
Thank you.

Let me know when people are willing to show up to off-year elections as I do.

wow, this is a real shame.

Thank you for explaining it to me. I was under the delusion that they were doing it for upvotes on Reddit.

I think she completely froze. It was like she got hit once and then forgot everything about fighting. It was disturbing to watch. When does a champion (who should still be in her prime) ever look like that? At least she should have been able to go a couple of rounds.

Evidently her coach didn’t teach her how to move her head. She ate every punch Nunes threw clean and hasn’t been hurt often enough to know how to react in that situation. It’s too bad that these back to back losses will now be what’s remembered.

Ronda’s career is latest death in 2016

I’d still argue that she’s not really allowed to be ascendant or inspirational, since the average voter is put off by the idea of a woman who wants to be a leader who isn’t also somehow the living embodiment of a hug from grandma and a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies. She also could have gotten further with

It was set low for Trump. All he had to do was not call Hillary a bitch during a debate and “oh my God he’s becoming Presidential!” Meanwhile, Hillary gets nailed for smiling too much.

Of course it’s both. What WhimsicalEthnographies is talking about is *an effect of sexism*. However stopping at that shallow level and not calling it out for what it is (misogyny) is bullshit.

If your public career began with voters citing your inability to change your name to your husbands and that you wear ugly owl glasses with mousy brown hair as a reason they voted out the HUSBAND? Yeah, that’s sexism. People seem really determined not to see misogyny.

She didn’t run a “horrid” campaign, she ran a normal campaign in a totally abnormal political climate, and was further hamstrung by the fact that (1) there were many effective responses to Trump’s bullshit that weren’t available to her because she is a woman, (2) the media was obsessed with poring over every detail of

With all due respect to the president, this is theoretical back-patting. The 22nd Amendment and third term unpopularity notwithstanding, the common denominator shared by all who voted for Trump is ignorance. Racism, sexism, and supposed economic populism aside, those who voted for Trump reconciled their vote with the

Am I the only one uncomfortable with Obama’s blatant attempts to protect his legacy? Maybe I’m just expecting too much from him but it’s really starting to annoy the hell out of me.

I believe this, a lot of people believe this. However, I think Obama publicly stating this in an interview is a bit...unbecoming of a departing president.

Yes, this pales in comparison to the garbage Trump pumps out on a weekly basis, but I think it’s important that the Dems “go high.”

I essentially DID vote for a third Obama term....much of Clinton’s platform was to continue in the Obama path. He’s been a good president. I wanted more of that.

Can’t wait for the democrats to spend the next four years having their dick measuring contest and talking about how they totally could have beat Trump unlike that stupid ol’ girl that no one likes anyway instead of actually recognizing that Trump won because of a combination of the deep well of racist/classist/sexist

Yet true.

For whatever reason, there’s been a longstanding difficulty in her relationship with the press that meant her flaws were wildly amplified