
On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner

That sweet democratic process where over 1 million people wasted potentially hours of their day for no reason.

Seriously. Fuck those guys!

You made me so happy.

Everything 90s is making a comeback.

We do need new ideas, and new leadership, but why does that necessitate throwing away the entire Democratic Party infrastructure? Why not work to build a better Democratic party from the inside? How is splitting the left up into warring factions going to do anyone any good?

A substantial portion of the majority that didn’t vote for Trump did vote for Hillary Clinton. The Clinton campaign got a plurality of the popular vote despite two national governments and the NYT abandoning all principles to smear her and numerous states disenfranchising her supporters; they’re actually pretty OK at

So what changes do you recommend? Embracing racism? Reverting to pro-Life? Because that’s how the GOP is winning the South and Midwest.

Zero content here. Carry on.

So wait: you’re saying that losing to the Republicans at every level results in Democratic politicians moving to the right to try to win elections ? But wait, I thought that all we had to do was vote for Nader/Stein and the Democratic politicians would immediately take their loss as proof that they needed to run

Obama had a residence before the White House.

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

“join the fight to stop dishonoring the president”, declare people who spent 8 years dishonoring the president.

Bernie Sanders proved you can run on small donations. If these guys want to donate to the cause that is fine, but with no control of the House, No control of the Senate, No control of the Presidency, and no control of the Judiciary these people need to realize their vision has failed.

Doing things the old way is exactly what the angry mob that voted Trump in wants: Old men in old jobs in old industries.

Well he would be the only fucking President to not potentially live in the White House, which Donald Trump was/is considering. Let alone traveled to live in a different major population center every single weekend just to be comfortable. Shit like this is just perpetuating the rumor(fact?) that he is in no way

Trump was leader of the birther movement and has a white supremacist as one of his top advisers

the problem isn’t the process, it is the racist xenophobic bigot the process chose. Not that hard to understand