
I’m really surprised Nutsac Nugent isn’t on this list to perform Stranglehold. Would be appropriate.

Neither do we.

That “my bad” there at the end is giving him way too much credit.

I love you. Why some people can’t see through this guy, I can’t guess.

He’ll be right behind the orange nightmare with his nose up his ass.

Threw him under the bus? Are you kidding? He just stated that he never met the man and didn’t consider him some champion for civil rights like all the little white boys claim.

You don’t know Bernie would have beat Trump so should stopped pretending its a fact, jack.

This isn’t your Reddit circle jerk, get your facts straight. Hillary has been a Democrat her entire adult life, she has worked tirelessly for the party her entire adult life, you dipshit. Barney only became a Dem so he could use the party’s resources for his own selfish gain. He hijacked a party he hates and has

Bernie was never the best candidate. That old motherfucker will never get my vote if he selfishly decides to hijack the party again.

I disagree.

I guess she should just die already and make room for all those poor white dudes who never get a chance.

So the fuck what? Fuck you for thinking she should just fade into the woodwork.

Yeah, and he can’t get over it. I wish he’d fuck right off of Jezebel.

But they will die soon.


He’s a waste.

No, that is not the worst thing about Alzheimer’s.

That’s complete bullshit, you’d know that if you’d paid attention.

The criticism of HRC started with Bernie, he wrote Trump’s playbook.

That old piece of shit is all white and wants the Democratic Party to be all white, too.