
Don’t blow this.

Yes! Hell, Trump got the idea from Bernie.

Thank you. And he lost, just like Trump will.

Lol, you fucking moron. You’re only voting for that racist because he’s the same color as your fingertips.

I'll answer! Because this person is a hypocrit and liar pretending to be something else.

Brendan’s a butthurt bro.

He did a long time ago when he seemed like he was a decent person. But that was a long time ago.

It was just a question, not necessarily the reporter’s logic.

Hillary said no to a Bernie set up with Fox News. I don’t believe Bern went through the proper channels in scheduling this with Fox, I was happy she said hell no.

I agree. The question was out there but he should have handled it better without getting all pissy. He can’t handle any slightly difficult questions. I’ve said it before, we dodged a bullet with this guy.

No one’s asking for your permission.

If he weren’t also running as a Democrat, I would agree. At this point and for some time, he has no chance of winning the nomination. He needs to stop with the completely false claims and insinuations of corruption, hurting the candidate and the party. I’ve always said, let him stay in and keep running, but I’m at the

You really need to find out more about his antics and accusations against Hillary, even today accusing her of illegal fundraising practices without a shred of evidence to back it up. This is nothing but damaging to the party and a case of sore loser trying to take his opponent down with him. He’s a grifter, telling

You could say he’s tried to hijack the Democratic Party. He’s not looking too pretty to Democrats right now, why would we want to be inclusive of a type of candidate who is looking more and more like Trump every day. We’ll see how he handles this loss but he’s getting more reprehensible as the days pass. That’s not

I think this will make the party less likely to support candidates like him.

Lol, beat me to it.

Bernie Rubble

Same with men, they eat cock, too, sometimes....if that’s what you’re getting at.

Oh shut up, spoil sport, this was fun until you came along.

Just sayin she might not be the best person to do his taxes, probably did some shady shit he's ashamed of. No need to get so hysterical about it. :)