
I'm really hoping Hillary asks Michelle if she wants a cabinet position.

Right there. He lives in the past, he’s out of touch with the real world. He’s been secluded in Vermont for too long. He’s stuck in the sixties, he’s stuck in the nineties. He seems much older than his age. He’s an angry old white man, shushing a woman and wagging his old finger in her face. Angry old white men,

You crack me up every day, but DISAGREE!

At least you got the quote right this time. That's progress. I see no implication in that, however. If you consider facts to be shilling, perhaps you need a dictionary.

I’m sorry if facts look like excuses to you, but I couldn't just let your embellished story pass without correcting it.

No excuses, just unembellished facts.

And she never said “real” issues, that was an embellishment on your part.

No implications, merely let’s get back to the issues, she was speaking about something else before being interrupted and wasn’t allowed to respond. You’re reading more into it because of your bias.

Sorry no. She said lets get back to the issues, meaning the issues she was currently discussing before being interrupted. She tried the engage the protester previous to that but the protester wouldn’t let her speak. At that point, there was no other option than to have her removed. Everyone else paid to be there, too.

No she didn't.

We should blame football for Bernie’s crappy numbers! Football’s dirty tricks. Actually, according to exit polls on msnbc just moments ago, 80% of democrats prefer experience over those candidates outside the establishment.

Really? I’m laughing at this.

They’d all be saying, “who’s that?”

It's news, don't think it will swing votes though.

And they would be right.

Thank you!

Nothing I hate more than women calling other women “bitch”.

It goes without saying, men have been voting with their wieners for centuries.

This is important information, why isn't Gawker covering it?

And why aren't I seeing any of these stories about Bernie on Gawker?