
Speak for yourself.

Also if he thought construction projects cost a ton before wait until he sees the "only buy and hire American" bills.

He owns many businesses and that is equated with success. It overlooks whether or not these businesses are ethical or running themselves into the ground, because many people think "business" is a very easy, cut-and-dry subject that's all about quantity and money they can see. Donald Trump has a lot of so it's wrongly

I lucked out this week and got a shift working at a school library, which meant that a solid chunk of my Friday was spent first introducing kids to the wonders of the Hank the Cowdog book series in the morning, and then spending the afternoon catching up on the best of 2016's film scores while I put away books.

I think that's a crucial aspect of the world here. Yes, the adult spies should be competent but they're also in constant dire circumstances themelves. I think it's fair to assume that many of them have enough of their own issues going on that they can't do much for the children. I don't think that's always executed

I really liked The Village, but I think it's because I wasn't anticipating a scary movie.

[coughs][looks at shoes][coughs again]

I think the real issue is now that there's SO MUCH television to choose from that if it takes you a full half season to find your footing than people have already moved on to other things.

On that note more people should see Slow West.

That's the one

"You don't want to argue my non-point? Then surely you must be wrong, instead of maybe having better things to do with your time than argue against my opinion that I didn't back with any actual data or evidence!"

Ok so as someone who never has, which book would you recommend starting with? Is it a series I should jump in at #1 with or is it more involved than that?

He's the poor man's overly-involved yet somehow totally hands-off Iron Man.

Has no one seen Tattletale?

Excellent, thank you!!

That is very true, I do love the idea of murderous sledding sharks.

"and are signing on to be sweaty and muscular in close proximity to one another"

Exactly. In a strange way all of this "let the women tell women's stories!" stuff that's supposed to be helpful is really just insanely limiting.

That it was edited, apparently.

To be fair to you, all my knowledge about the film comes from what the youths are telling me, which seems to only ever be about HQ.