
I assume she is NOW because she seems to be the only one who came out of that movie with anyone caring about her character. I bet, though, that the original plan was for the Joker or Deadshot to be the leader.

Oh, they do. But god forbid you bring up gender or race issues without somebody feeling the need to do a little shit-stirring.

How sad is that?

Oh my friend, i hate to disappoint you….

I forgot about that American rule, that makes sense. I still feel like there must be so many we're all overlooking though.

Oh shoot I forgot about those meddlesome boobs!! Always a good go-to for the blame.

There's this weird thing happening with MCU at least (I honestly don't keep up on most Star Wars news) where it's like… they want more women telling women's stories! Which in theory is great, but when you look at the docket of superhero films people care about, there's not many women? So maybe just… have women direct

Unpopular opinion but I actually tend to enjoy him in things? So that's not a down point for me.

So I read your comment as sarcasm initially and googled him and just spent way too much time trying to figure out how he wasn't white.

I agree that all around the numbers are depressing, but I think it's less slim pickings than it seems like it is based on these nominations and that's part of the problem.

I really enjoyed The Invitation, too.

Mustang, yes! I knew there was one in particular I was totally forgetting about.

I haven't seen either yet but I've heard great things about both. I'm really into the idea of Fits, so I'll probably see that one first.

Not to be a whiner, but I think a more productive article would have included a list of said directors that were snubbed?

Oh hello, I can help!

Hey, equal rights ok? We ladies are just as allowed to direct garbage films as guys are.

No I have not but you better believe based on that name alone I'm adding Carnasaur to my must-see list.

Shoot. I was hoping D- might fall into that "so terrible it's a fun day" watch, but I think you make a good point.

Oh good, so we're back to divine right of kings again. Really coming full circle here, America.

I agree. I know some people think they're too nit-picky, but I think that's kind of the point? If you take them as real film criticism then yes, that kind of picking can be obnoxious, but they're just silly, short bits of fluff humor.