
My gut reaction was to say 'I really liked that book!' then I remembered I read it the day of and after a surgery and that may just be the painkillers talking, it's hard to say.

"Satire of gay panic jokes" almost always turns into "we're doing gay panic jokes please don't hate us, see at least one character doesn't think it's ok!" which is lazy and about as far from subversive as somebody can get.

It can still be a funny joke as long as you or someone else acknowledge you're a jerk for making the joke!

I totally agree with everything about the visuals (again, I did enjoy the movie). Maybe I just need to reread the books again? Which, honestly, it's probably a good time for anyway.

I don't even remember them but that sounds like Freak Show/Hotel so I'm not surprised.

Make sure you print off a copy of this comment with today's date, just so it's on the record for later.

Ah, that's fair. I did think the way they played their hands immediately with 'only one person survived!!!!' was a huge let-down. We don't need to know that? All that does is kill tension.

Oh I did too, I agree, but I think they could have solved a lot of problems if they didn't feel beholden to the structure people were using for Young Adult Movies From Book Series around then (which for some reason seemed to be less 'one book per movie' and more 'make a whole series into 3-4 movies, maybe more if

I think it depends on what your definition of 'escape' is, too.

That was my thought too like… if you think young adult fiction plot lines are overused, maybe walk through any 'general fiction' aisle at a bookstore and see how often that pops up.

Ditto. The Carnivorous Carnival was definitely one of my favorites, but I remember really getting into the last few books.

They'll never have to remake them because she'll just keep adding on to the world she's definitely totally never writing about again (until next week).

I've never heard of those and they're going on my amazon wishlist now, thank you!

Agreed. I think it was a case of cramming too much into too little time instead of letting the plot breathe a little.

Everything Thomas Newman is pretty much always wonderful, but I agree that this soundtrack was especially good.

I feel like Lily Rabe could do anything and I would 100% enjoy it so I definitely don't disagree.

That was my thought exactly. Like that's awesome, but I was pretty cool with just robot dinosaurs.

Oh I agree, I think El as a character is amazing. She was actually my favorite character in the show.

Right? It wasn't clever enough to be that interesting which made it just seem kind of weird and distasteful even for that show which does some of it's best stuff in that arena.

Oh dear, Rollo why. :(