
I would 100% see this movie, which is more than I can say about BvS. (Kidding, I'll probably see that too. Eventually. When I get around to it.)

Uh huh, sure, yeah, okay.

Wonder Woman needed a lot of blood for her armor, ok? They're just building the world.

Oh please, we know you weren't watching his mouth. ;(

This is not Man from UNCLE 2. >:( Is no one reading my letters?

That's a good point. I chalked it up to puppy brain, but your answer makes more sense.

Oh nice, that's awesome! What'd you get?

Oh that's a bummer, but it sounds like a fun way to spend a morning (I am a sucker for window shopping at flea markets/yard sales/etc though).

That makes sense to me. Kind of an 'eh', but not a bomb.

This story sounds like it was straight out of 2005.

I would totally recommend renting some boards and giving it a try if you have access to the water for it. The first half hour was sort of rough (and standing up the first time was terrifying), but I'm not a particularly athletic person and I didn't have too hard a time with it.

Thank you! I'm not very worried about the job hunt, so that's nice (I have a few things lining up and even if they all fall through it'll probably still be better than right now, which is kind of a nice position to be in) and I'm sure my friend's situation is going to improve it's just so in-the-moment stressful and

I think a lot of "it was fine" reviews get chalked up as being negative, so it makes the whole system kind of hit or miss on some movies.

That's a good point, I like that first idea especially.

Mine doesn't like lettuce either, but he does love carrots? I figure it must just be that he thinks they're sticks until it's too late to turn back.

What is a Horror Realm Flea Market? That sounds insanely intriguing.

I'm always surprised by what a dog will and won't eat.

I love Vikings. It's sometimes campy and kind of ridiculous, but every time Travis Fimmel side-eyes someone like he's on an episode of ye old Office, I remember why I love it.

I have had better.

Maybe it's just not wrong enough in their eyes that it's worth the effort of fixing it, and at this point I'm honestly not even sure how you really would.