
It could be 27% with the majority of critics scoring it an 'eh', though. They might not even disagree with you, it just might be closer to the negative side of 'eh' than the positive one.

I think they do think they're making good movies though?

Typically I'd be right there with you about the line thing if DC movies weren't such a hot mess lately. But even so, I agree— one of them has to pull through at some point, right?

I think you have to listen to him talk while also looking at him. I find something crazy appealing about his accent, I don't know what it is though.

Considering a lot of what's on TV, I don't understand why people dismissed this show so immediately. I'm almost all the way caught up (one episode behind) and I think it's one of the few shows on right now I actually look forward to watching. The leads are all a delight, the plot is fun and never tries to be so

She hasn't though, that's the thing.

That did ring a little 'she's the best of the women' to me, which I swear to God if that's the angle they go with I'm just going to… probably do nothing but throw my hands up in the air and make sad little noises but still.

The director backs this version, though, at least in interviews and while sometimes I'd think maybe he just has to because contracts and obligations, it sounds like in his mind this is more or less the film he wanted to make.

Seconding this.

But it sure is fun.

Same. I've had issues sometimes even where I'll finish a season of something on Amazon (a middle season, a show that they have more seasons of) and it won't connect me to the next season, so I'll have to go and independently search for it on their site. I know it's a minor complain in the scheme of things but it's

I've heard it's not quite as good as Spy, but better than The Heat? But I also liked The Heat well enough (not so much I've watched it again), so I don't know. I think it's just different strokes for different folks, but because some people got all whiny-baby about it the whole thing just ballooned into what it is.

Um, helllooo, he's played a detective before. A private detective, sure, but still.

Shhhhhhh no, that's too much logic. I can't sit and feel sorry for myself if you're going to go and throw logic at me.

You were SO close. :(

It must be nice to have a project do poorly enough that it got dropped but still get another one picked up by the same company right after. I'd like to switch jobs with these guys.

I would argue that this particular book is a little smarter than many of the YA novels that have already been adapted, and that some of the themes it deals with are pretty mature.

I think you're right though. If we do have to follow the trend of turning every third book into two movies, at least it might actually work here.

Can you imagine trying to write that name on a job application?

You're probably right, we just have to wait so long for it. ;(