
Not Ron, because apparently news is JK Rowling really thinks he's too much of a doofus in retrospect.

Yes, exactly! I think pretty much everyone involved us giving at least a pretty good performance, if not better, and I hope that when CBS inevitably drops it because CBS, that maybe Amazon picks it up. They're already randomly streaming the entire first season on Prime as is and they honestly couldn't market it any

You're entitled to your wrong opinion, as what he had in the flashbacks was a glorious mane of hair.

"and that Affects people’s opinion even if it’s a really great movies" about sums it all up.

You should if you get a chance, though I totally understand being bogged down by TV. I almost always have 2 or so series I'm streaming from somewhere on top of whatever else I'm actually watching on a week to week basis and even that's hard to keep up with sometimes and I know there's all kinds of things I'm missing

That's kind of nuts, honestly. If we're looking at historical royalty (and not even royalty, honestly), even, 5th cousins would have been pretty far removed so I don't see why it would be any different in space.

He was actually fun in Need for Speed, too, even if that movie was big and dumb and pointless. I think he's probably a better actor than some of the roles he gets, so who knows.

Can we just fixate on his hair for a minute instead? And I mean that in a wholly positive way.

There were certain character choices of Harry that I heard about that made about as little sense, and that kind of bums me out as I was always more invested in the characters than the plot of the books.

It also has some serious continuity errors from what I've heard (I, too, have been waiting to get a copy from a friend or the library) and doesn't really jive well with the characterization from the previous books. I don't want to spoil anything, but there are certain character reactions to things that are such a

But only if the character bit fundamentally changes the story/said character for no reason other than weird impulse.

Also based on all of the movie-related information that's come out about the American schools, the 'new' stuff is just basically a slightly Americanized (kind of) version of the British world and that's basically a rehash.

Ah, so it's like levels of related then, that makes sense.

I'm pretty sure she said that a few times before The Cursed Child, too.

It can be two things.

As long as the viewer is still technically 'alive', it's a win.

How does one get incest-ier? I'm curious about these tiers now.

You forget the executives are all pushing on 100 now so the thirty-somethings still qualify as kids to them.

I've seen that one! Though it was around when they all came out to netflix so it may be worth revisiting again.

This sounds vaguely enough like Veronica Mars that I'm sold for now.