
That was my thought too like, hey look they did him a favor! A terrible, horrible favor, but at least he didn't get incinerated.

I think they don't feel like a real couple because he was actively trying to stay out of it until the last episode.


Weirdly the Emily thing did not bother me, but I interpreted it as (in her eyes) a way to save Cassidy (who, honestly, treated her a lot more like a person than Miles did by alternating between bossing her around and putting her on a weird pedestal or something) and get rid of this persistent guy in her life she

Agreed. I think that honestly, for being an 'eh' episode on their scale, I still got more into watching it than I have a lot of other shows on TV right now so there's that at least. I'll take a solid B effort from them any day.

I believe they're intentionally not any specific religious sect and more a mix of a couple of them.

I believe her payoff is coming later, it sounded like. Granted, she's super dead so she doesn't actually get it, but from the interviews after the show I got the impression they weren't done with her story, particularly as it ties into Eugene, so there is that at least.

That scene was amazing. The aftermath was confusing (there has to be a deleted scene before there somewhere), but Tulip just totally losing the wind from her sails was fantastic.

PS: If you watch the commentary for the first episode, there is so much talk about his hair it's fantastic. They tried so hard. ;(

I believe it did, but that it happened SO early on that it wasn't like "Here meet everyone and now they're dead!" and it was more like that church scene at the beginning of the series.

I loved that. I mean, it was horrifying and disturbing and awful, but considering how many shows play up on that kind of thing now days to almost zero effect (looking at you, American Horror Story), it was great to see if actually have real impact. Like, ok, you earned that.

Having watched the commentary on the first two episodes this weekend (A+ background noise for chores, highly recommend), I think the creators feel that a lot of the times Jesse is going at about 15% of his full level of potential crazy. In the first few fight scenes they made a lot of comments about "See how he's

Character investment, at least from the point of view of someone who has no ties to the comics (and honestly doesn't care to). Knowing the basic initial road trip plot, and how the characters were introduced in that, I feel like I personally wouldn't have cared about a lot of their issues as much if it'd just launched

Doesn't it feel like there were deleted scenes? It feels a lot like there were deleted scenes. I wonder if maybe the finale was originally supposed to be even longer and then it got edited for time or something just because it didn't feel like the kind of work anyone on that show has been giving prior to now.

I, too, wish they hadn't just -not- known about the town at the end. I didn't get that at all. When plants explode half-way across the country from where I live I hear about it pretty quick, and that's not my hometown that I literally just left an hour ago? That was kind of irritating.

I really liked that. I was totally ready for the whole back and forth of like 'oh, who's identity did you steal?' and everything, but then it just cut right past it all and got right to it. Maybe it seems a little weird to just assume vampire, but at the same time considering how weird everything else is there it's

I read on a past review that someone theorized that they were the angels responsible for Genesis existing? I have no idea if that's potentially true at all but I really liked it as a theory and in that case I would think your theory is correct.

Oh no, is he really not? :( Is that confirmed or just speculation based on Fiore coming back alone? Because I will be so sad if that's confirmed.

I feel like having heard about the meat woman after the show that this version was somehow so much sadder? (In a good way). A meat woman would have been sort of like …. well, alright I guess, some people like what they like, but I think the meat child takes out the weird sexual aspect of it and just leaves the really

I'm just going to blindly hope those two survived somehow, magic? Vampires? I don't know. Not important. Putting my fingers in my ears now.