
I disagree. As someone who hasn't read the comics and has no preconceived love of the series, I found this season really enjoyable and I loved the slow burn approach. I agree that the last episode wasn't the strongest, and they way they wiped the town off of the map was a little too abrupt for my taste, but I think

They made some other pretty broad statements too, though, that seemed like they were doing their best to avoid stepping in any obvious spoilers for future seasons. I feel like what he meant was "most of Annville" but then that would have lead in to more prying questions about who survived so it's easier to just let it

I agree. I'm curious about the second season and where the show goes and I am totally fine giving the show the benefit of the doubt until then.

Agreed. There was a lot of stuff about her being pretty and being Mike's girlfriend that at first I was like ok alright they're young it makes sense they might be a little preoccupied with that (or Mike at least I had a hard time believing a girl who grew up in solitary had a huge understanding of pretty and dating)

I agree so much. I think maybe it's a personal prefernce thing, but I know that once in invested in a character and character relationships I don't care as much about cool special effects and neat film techniques or how stereotypical something might be. And I think that movie knew how to capitalize on the stakes of

I think they mostly don't expect anyone to know about Spokane so it probably seems like it's easy to explain away? I'm really not sure.

Agreed so much

I agree. I think that was the scene that was when all of the emotional stakes of the movie really hit home and that that more than the nature of the fight made it so intense.

It seems to mean a lot to them in a very detached way, though. Like sure they're sad in the scene where she 'dies' when it happens, but when they're retelling the story to Will they're HYPED about it. It's basically almost a fist-pump in the air ending scene.

Oh, thanks! That's awesome.

I agree! I loved the setting and the sort of horror/supernatural elements of it, I was really digging all of their lore and that whole setup.

Ah, I missed that, that's interesting. I hadn't thought about it that way, but I can definitely see how that could be part of the message.

I agree that the characters needed a win, absolutely, I just feel like there had to have been a different way to approach it that gave them that win without making Eleven feel like a sort of weird alien tool instead of an actual human person.

That's fair, I could see that being true, but again it just all feels very rushed at the end and the bittersweet look at the fort would have maybe hit home a little more for me if more time had passed or she hadn't 'died' (vanished, whatever) in such an intense, awful way.

There might be, I don't remember the movie well enough to say one way or the other. There are more rural areas, but the ones that I've been to are definitely more pine-tree-desert rural than lush, green, West Side of the State (where I also lived for awhile) rural.

I agree that it's meant to be redeeming and self-sacrificing. I think the issue was that for me it just made her character feel very expendable— like she'd served her purpose saving the boy and they just didn't need her any more, so everyone got over her death (and even if it's maybe implied later that she's not dead

That's fair. I can't blame anyone for seeing anything to escape the heat. My sister and I once saw 'White House Down' one summer just because we were out walking and after about two miles we realized we had to get into some place air conditioned ASAP and that was the closest option.

So the remake of Red Dawn filmed in Michigan (I had a friend who worked as a stand-in for one of the actresses) but takes place in my hometown of Spokane, WA.

Very few things have been making a boatload of money this summer, so that seems iffy. Last I heard, Secret Life of Pets was number three overall this summer in the box office so far, so I think that says a lot.

He really is. When you listen to interviews he gives he's (in my opinion) insanely charming and seems like a really nice, decent (or at least funny, anyway) kind of guy.