
There's not enough mushrooms in the world for that.

I liked that too a lot, I think the ending was just too rushed. It seemed like everyone got over Eleven just immediately even though she left them in what was arguably a really horrifying way, self-sacrificing or not.

After she hit those ten kittens with her car??? Wow. The nerve.

I hope that they were, but I got the impression from the show that no one was really making long-term plans for Eleven. I get that in the moment everyone had more pressing concerns, but it did seem a little like it was a "we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" situation.

I totally agree about that trope.

It wasn't giving her up that ultimately really left me feeling cold on this episode, it was how they handled it after.

"My britta filter is older than their relationship… Wait a second, should I change my britta filter?"

That hospital segment was horrifying and also really satisfying as a short film entirely separate from the other ones. I loved the last segment too, and I agree that all around that movie was way better than I figured it would be when I rented it.

I just saw that! I liked it too— I'm a sucker for uplifting sports movies and anything Hugh Jackman so it was the perfect combo for what the kind of lighthearted, feel-good movie I needed that night.

Equal Rights is amazing and so spot-on accurate as a parody, it's great.

People also seem to overlook the huge factor Tony's PTSD is playing in the character currently, and how that all kind of ties in to his relationships with other people, which ultimately dictates a lot of his decisions.

I agree about that. I loved the airport scene, and I think the reason it was bloodless is actually really obvious (it's not enemies attacking each other, after all— no one wants to be responsible for the serious mortal injury of someone who is ultimately their friend, or at least someone they're on alright terms with)

Ah, you make a fair and accurate point.

"Also you should probably help them ou—" "Whoa whoa whoa, I'm going to stop you right there, Jesus. You see, my great great great great grandfather skipped lunch one day, so I think I already understand suffering."

Or: captive is the one with all the personalities, they just all so happen to look like variations of James McAvoy.

I think people are a little needlessly harsh on The Visit, which in my opinion is honestly a lot better than some of the more touted horror movies of the year (excuse my while I continue sincerely wondering what version of Oculus I saw because it could not have been the one that people apparently loved). Is it great?

That's rude, he should save that for his own home.

I actually really liked The Village, too. I find it hard pinpointing why I liked it, but I did.

The possibility that the studio might actually keep the Chloe/Max romance is one of the main reasons why I fully support adapting this into a movie. I'm kind of hoping that because everyone and their dogs have played/heard of the game, Legendary wouldn't do the dick move of 'best lady friends!!!' and that to me is

They bleu through that joke.