
[Hayden Christensen sighs, pulls out 'HAYDEN FOR VADER' sign from lawn, folds up plastic chair.]

No no no, just get two! Then it's ok!

That is basically the Trump definition of democracy, honestly.

Ok, you make a good point— pass granted!

Parts of that show weren't even THAT bad, especially not if we're talking superheroes on TV type programs, and he really did make the character great.

I like to imagine his script was a lot longer, but every time he started reading it he just trailed off in to long, sad sighs until they finally just wrote him as the 'strong, silent type'.

Steampunk is so 10 years from now. How gauche.

Oh, duh, I guess that's true. I think I just completely blanked on that since he doesn't really kill anyone who didn't have it coming in the movie, but you're right.

Well that better be in the show now.

Ditto. I'll be so happy when they finally all jump ship like they're saying they will so we can actually talk about the show.

I don't get how anyone is reading it any way other than this. The sheriff isn't in on all of the supernatural— what he sees is a woman, limbless, who's been tied in a bathtub for who knows how long and has god even knows what kind of witnessed horrors, and it's not like he even kills her the first time she asks. She

It's ok, that same person keeps defending the character without any actual evidence and seems very personally invested in the perception of a character I would absolutely agree is kind of a stalker creep.

I agree (I see your clarification later down about him being the 'nice guy' in his own mind kind of 'nice guy'). He was manipulative in his own way, and sure maybe he didn't deserve to be vampire chow but I was pretty excited it got Emily a little brief moment of freedom.

He was pretty slimy under all that, though. I think it's not as obvious because he doesn't get a lot of screen time, but he had a very 'but I'm a nice guy' vibe that he seemed to use to justify a lot of things that other people have pointed out in the other comments already, which is it's own kind of sleaze.

Man, did they? I liked Miles less and less the more we saw of him.

I don't understand all the love for Miles.

Was he an anti-hero? I've heard that other places too, but I think I'm missing the reason why (I'll admit I don't read comics).

It just didn't make any sense.

I think that's fair. I don't mind silly, B-level (or lower) horror movies if they're stupid and fun (and usually I'm doing something else while I watch), but what frustrates me about Oculus is all of the really high praise it gets. It's one of those movies where I feel like I must just be missing something, but really

And I totally believe that if someone is in it for the references and the general '80s vibe, it probably is fantastic. It does have a really great sense of tone and atmosphere.