
That was my feeling about Deadpool too, but I think it's exactly for the reason you said. I watch a lot of that kind of humor so -that- part didn't really work that well for me as something totally unique.

The couch scene.

Right? For me it was an awesome reminder of how many movies I'll never get in theaters.

I took my mom with me to see that (she's a huge Jane Austen fan) and we had such a good time. That might actually be one of my favorite trips to the theater this summer.

Why does Ouija 2 exist, and why is the person who directed Oculus getting more projects?

Green Room was very enjoyable, though I don't know if it was how I was streaming it or what but I did wind up having to watch it with subtitles (which was fine, it just means I missed some stuff at the beginning I should have gone back and rewatched, I think).

That is a really interesting show that I think they market really badly (if they market it at all).

The end of Stranger Things made me happy I'd spent some of the show doing laundry, so at least it wasn't ultimately a total waste of time.

I like your attitude.

I finally met up with a friend by a gym once we discovered we were both Team Valor (a third friend who has yet to find any Team Instinct buddies kind of sad faced at us nearby) and while that gym was read probably half an hour before I got there as soon as I booted up the program, boom, blue. The worst. Sneaky blue.

I don't disagree at all, I just think there might be a generational factor at play, too. Most of the teenagers I volunteer with don't have Facebook (or do as a familial obligation of sorts, to keep in touch), but use the hell out of Snapchat in a way I used Facebook when I was their age.

Do you want those people running around in public without distraction though? I don't think I do.

I did that last night and my view on humanity worsened considerably.

They'd find more confirmation regardless. They're not looking for counterpoints to their set beliefs.

That. There's a quantity factor here that could fuel how long such harassment lasted. You get a couple of people together and they sort of feed off of each other's energy (and the seeming validation that their opinions and actions are in the right). You get a whole wave of people acting in unison and that effect is

They're not blanket banning a viewpoint, though. They're banning hostile actions taken against another person (which I realize you say later on in your comment). I think some people are seeing this as some kind of pre-1984 Orwellian warning when really this guy has tons of places he can go post his terrible, awful,

And they let you stay on the internet?? I mean I'm all for defending free speech but you crossed a line.

He really does embrace being a giant cock, that's for sure.

I think Snapchat is actually more the younger generation's version of Facebook. I'm sure there are abusive ways to use it that focus purely on self-promotion, but the same is true in all social media platforms. I personally don't use Snapchat (and I'll be honest and say it's because I just don't understand how it

That is the real social media problem, I agree.