
That's such a frustrating reason to kill a character, too, if that's the truth of it. A good character death, a really impactful one, shouldn't just be 'well people like her a lot, let's make those people miserable'— it should tie into the theme and it should be lead up to beforehand.

That would be terrible.

Really? I'll totally give you that the first part was crazy (the sex scene alone was nuts), but I felt like that sort of craziness was drowned out by so much talking and sad staring that by the time they got to that final act of the second one I was just set for that ridiculous, over-the-top confrontation.

Yeah, that's what she wound up getting from a used game store and it came to about $55, I think.

You would think so, but let me tell you— as someone who recently went with my mom on the hunt to help her find a Game Cube, some consoles have not gone down in value as much as you'd think (even used)/are not as easy to find as all that. Nostalgia is a bank account killer.

She should do one anyway. It'll almost be better without the nomination (though the lack of it is totally weird, I agree).

I'll unpopular opinion here and say the last one is actually sort of fun.

Agreed so much. I don't know if I'd ever recommend the movie on plot alone (although it's fun, even if I wish they hadn't cut it off so abruptly at the end) but I definitely have told people about it just because of their interactions. They were beyond endearing.

It seems like a lot of effort's being put in to hating a thing that's giving some people joy.

Wah people like a thing and it's ruining my life. How dare anyone enjoy themselves ever. Why can't we go back to just hating everything. I can't stand only being able to hate 99% of things.

I 100% support any game that makes me walk.

You just made my week.

The 'W' stands for hope in her language.

I agree. I think the specificity of the threat takes it a step beyond the typical 'I hate you, die' kind of garbage most people who do that kind of stupidity dish out.

You're asking for a lot of logic here.

Think about where in our lives we went wrong, mostly.

Henry Cavill actually has the most absurdly charming smile in real life (I don't know if you saw Man from UNCLE either but oh boy), which is why the total, complete, soul-crushingly sad bore that is Superman in the movies makes even less sense.

As does the rape, his favorite form of character development, especially when it comes to ladies.

Agreed wholeheartedly.

I'd like to think that someday we're moving towards "people don't hit people" unless you're a really awesome boxer or MMA fighter or something, but that's probably too idealistic.