
I think the difference is that everyone says something at some point that's probably terrible. I'm sure most people do that almost weekly, if not more often. Our brains and our mouths are way too closely connected for much of a filter, unfortunately.

Or as my mom would say: "If one person says you're an ass, that's just their opinion. If three people say you're an ass, you better check you're not in the barn." It's really disappointing when not even popular opinion is persuasive enough to get people to reconsider their ideas or, at the very least, their approaches

This is a great post— very well thought-out and worded, and an all-around great counterpoint.

So see, now we need the article from her point of view, because that sounds amazing and probably a lot more accurate than this one.

But at least it's not "female", which for some reason always feels infinitely more cringe-worthy than 'lady'.

Ah, see, that's good to know. I only got two episodes i the last time I tried to watch the show so I've never gotten what all the fuss is about, but apparently I just need to go a little further next time I try.

Winter is coming as fast as it can. Maybe Winter would come faster if everyone would just stop watching it.

You can't have a redemption arc without needing something to be redeemed from, and I think that's what this whole first season has been building up on. Jesse is well-intentioned, but terrible with consequences, and I'm sure in his mind telling someone to "go to hell" was not a command he assumed the power would take

Butts 4 Days.

This is 100% the most accurate description of the show I've read.

Hooooooo, that one was rough.

Does this mean I can start using Dudette in casual conversation again without the young ones giving me the look?

I think actually yes that was the reference they were going for, so clearly they have good taste.

Her name is Judy Hopps, hello.

My last phone, actually, was an iPhone, and when I finally went to take it in the guy was completely and totally blown away that I had a model that was -sooooooooo- old. Which, to me, is crazy— cell phones aren't cheap? Who can afford to upgrade a cell phone more than they absolutely have to?

I do like some of the features on my phone a lot (and I tie a lot of things into Google which, I know, hello companies have all my information, but whatever) and when it works like it's supposed to it's awesome (and it does have a very nice camera, which I dig).

This is why I avoid concerts with seats like nobody's business (I usually just go to small, standing venues or outdoor type deals). I do, though, get this all the time at the movies, and as someone with long legs who really can't easily make space for someone's teeny, tiny bladder issues, it drives me nuts. I feel

I was actually thinking about this, too. I go to a lot of smaller concerts where the bands, especially the opening bands, encourage everyone to take photos and videos and upload them after the show. It makes sense— free publicity, hello— plus, maybe because it's smaller venues and smaller crowds, it's never seemed

Maybe (and personally I agree that I don't find cell phones that annoying in concerts— the ones I go to usually have so much stage lighting and everything going on that I really don't even notice them), but I do think it's less extreme than what Apple is doing, or at least less likely to go terribly wrong.

Totally agreed.