
I know my priorities.

That makes me wonder if 'less derivative' is actually a compliment, though. I get that he thinks it is, but in this case with the prequels it seems more like a statement of fact, not something praise worthy.

Though can we for real get an Idris Elba Tarzan?

Touche. :(

Reasonably Interesting, Internet should definitely be the new name of the series. I like that.

You damn well bet I am, don't you insult my fancy chickens. Unless you're a cute soldier. Then we can talk.

But just how cute are they, because I'm not that attached to my chickens…

Are they cute soldiers?

If Anastasia is a blonde what is the point even? :(

Go watch it right now, it's so great.

That's a good question, and one that I don't think we can really conclusively answer. I know the negatives in any situation (religious or otherwise) tend to be the ones that are most widely reported (shock culture and everything), but I'm not sure I would go so far as to say we really know one way or the other.

It's nice that someone points this out. The list of atrocities humans have committed under the guise of religious motivation is terrible and long and depressing.

That's fair, I could definitely see the argument for that. He really was amazing.

I disagree about that (not about Prince). I actually thought a lot of them did a pretty good job, I just think he did his Michael Shannon thing of embracing his insane character the most and it's hard to not enjoy that.

That reminds me of a story my friend told me (that is probably an urban legend or a short story somewhere else, I don't think he made it up himself, or ever claimed he did) that involved basically all of that and some really unfortunate misunderstandings of how reflections in windows work.

More turkey fucking than anyone actually needs.

How do you misspell something inside out?

He has maybe the best character in The Night Before, I think.

That's one of the joys of totally arbitrary rating systems. You can guess who should win, but there's no rhyme or reason that'll decide who does.

Is it worth watching Man of Steel to see him if I have absolutely less than no interest in any other part of it? I keep thinking about it but I am on the fence.