
That is true. And I will honestly watch just about anything Michael Shannon is in.

I try to ignore that Kat Dennings is in Two Broke Girls. I think she must just have an evil twin or something.

I think we should dare to fye instead.

That is one fun, dumb movie. I liked it.

I love Lip Sync Battle, totally sincerely. It's a stupid, campy show and it has way too many commercials, but it's perfect gym material. Plus some of the ways they approach the songs are pretty entertaining.

Follow every rainbow

Ban every movie.

There are so many interviews too with British actresses that are like "We hear you have an awesome American accent can you use it?" and they break out this intense Valley Girl thing which isn't technically wrong I guess but still. Not that I could do even a semi-passable British accent myself, so I can't judge much,

I always find it so strange when people make a big deal of how much better British actors are at American accents then vice-versa, like there's one universal American accent (or British accent, too, I guess).

And I, a woman with no acting experience, was also overlooked for the role of young Han Solo. It's unfair all around I tell you.

Actually, you can't pick a favorite fruit if you're in the hipster club. Fruits have feelings too.

Your reasons are much better than mine and make me like him even more.

I have such a soft spot for Logan Marshall-Green because of his brief stint in The O.C., which is probably a terrible reason to have a soft spot for anyone but what can you do, formative years and all.

I love fagoo with a nice glass of red wine, personally.

He's coming but that doesn't mean they'll let him in. Trust me, I've tried that.

Only if someone brings a really good salad.

Only if someone brings a really good salad.

I feel like they're kind of working us in from Jesse's point of view (or most of the characters, really) who are really in the dark about what's going on right now. Unlike some other shows that have done that though (Lost, I'm looking at you) it feels like the writers actually know, so that's comforting to me. I'm

I would say it's your love of the comic (though hey, look how biased I am with my little icon right there).

Tulip is this awesome character who for some reason is in her own show that's not nearly as interesting as the one the other characters are in, and every time she gets close to joining them I get a little internal leap of excitement before she goes off and does her own thing again. I'm hoping, though, that this is