
I felt like everything after season two (maybe even part way into season 1) was like prison as told through the eyes of someone who thinks prison is involuntary summer camp.

I actually thought Annabelle was alright, but maybe my standards were just so low that I was like 'wow, this is better than garbage!'. I enjoyed the first 2/3rds of it or so though.

I totally missed any articles like that and boy am I glad I did, but no worries, it's cool.


I knew if I scrolled long enough I wound fine the gritty reboot and I was not disappointed.

It's okay, just wait for the Justice League movie where she'll probably use it to melt faces or something.

But who will save the animals??

These puns are my james.

They better start marketing it now or they'll have a lot to ketchup on later.

Ditto on Skyfall. I saw that movie, I may have even seen it in theaters, but I honestly don't remember anything beyond being left with a sort of depressed "well I guess we all grow old and that's it" feeling after it. I get why that works for some people, but that's not for me.

I figured the Civil War was really more of an emotional Civil War than an actual, physical sort of Civil War.

That's patently untrue in your previous posts and you're clearly a troll (which is a bummer, as it would have been interesting to see you actually defend your opinions with something more substantive than feelings), so I'm not going to bother replying to you again after this message.

I wasn't aware you spoke for an entire group of people.

I think we should encourage people to speak their minds.

How is he not making the community 'stronger'? How is it even one person's obligation to 'strength the community'? What does that even mean?

As a fellow culinary school graduate, I can relate to this story more than I wish I could.

That would be amazing. I like to imagine that there's some person out there writing the subtitles for that movie just like "…wow, this is all garbage, I'll just throw in what I want" who somehow turned it into this great gem we'll never see over here.

Apparently, from what I have heard, creating things like that and demos pull developers away from actually working on the project itself, so while I agree and also wish we had something new for the game I'm just hoping the reason we don't is that they're actually hard at work on it.

You're killing yourself because you're so excited about this Pogs gang, right?

Agreed wholeheartedly. I'll admit that sometimes I am all for a god horror movie where horrible people get their comeuppance (that's most slasher movies, so there you go) but I think movies like Cabin in the Woods resonate more sometimes because you -do- feel bad for the victims and even though you kind of know their