Hillary & Her ClinTones

Unnecessarily and repeatedly lying in a manner that threatens your career qualifies as pathological in my book. You’re welcome to hold a different view. I’m not disparaging his journalistic abilities (though I don’t find them as impressive as you do). He made his actual abilities irrelevant by (pathologically) lying

One can only hope. But his utter insipidness makes him a perfect fit for one of television’s most insipid shows.

Destroying one’s own credibility and trustworthiness by being a pathological, self-aggrandizing liar kinda hampers one’s ability to work as a journalist. Williams is lucky to still be employed at all. Not to say Lauer is any better (he has always flagrantly sucked, and presumably always will), but “B-Wills” is no

I don’t think Beckham is even “pulling” anything. He seems to genuinely neither know nor care who Dunham is, nor does he have any obligation to. He may not even remember sitting next to her, as he presumably attends many such events and is accustomed to being around celebrities with much higher profiles than Dunham.

The most hilarious (and counterproductive) thing about the “Who Has it Worse” game — a.k.a. The Oppression Olympics — is how utterly and transparently self-serving it is. Who has it worst? The answer (after a Simone Biles-worthy round of mental gymnastics) is almost always ME.

Noah can pull off the topknot, plus it’s his actual hair. Everything about what Damon is trying to do is ridiculous.

This is arguably the worst hairstyle known to humankind, and it’s not even his real hair. The whole “Great Wall” project is just a den of inexplicably bad ideas.

Al Trautwig is a pompous asshole and a probable pervert. And, yeah, a lot of the NBC commentators are so bad (especially when they try to push the “human interest” angles), I literally watch some of the events with my TV on mute.

Most of the stories on Flygirl were at least as offensive as Linton’s idiotic narrative. The only reason they avoided official governmental rebuke from the countries where your contributors embarked on their white-girl “adventures” is probably because they weren’t widely enough read.

I’m surprised Linton’s narrative didn’t end up on Flygirl. “Racist and laughably out-of-touch white savior tropes” were that site’s bread and butter.

Messing’s “adventures” give me unwelcome flashbacks to Flygirl ca. 2015.

Every NRA member, gun lobbyist, gun nut, and cowardly politician who refuses to support an outright gun ban (or at the very least, heavy restrictions) should be forced to look this poor woman in the eye and try to explain to her why the “right” to bear assault weapons is more important than her son’s life. Jesus.

It’s hilarious (though entirely unsurprising) to watch all the Bernie supporters try to jump on the Clinton bandwagon now. People who days or weeks ago were saying she’s as bad as Trump are now all “OMG IT’S SO HISTORIC!!! I’M SO PROUD!!! WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!” Whatever. Just vote against Trump in November.