he started out by just writing “hastag” whatever, but I guess someone clued him in to the fact that he needed the # symbol for it to work, so he added it in, but still kept writing hashtag as well. It’s all just too wholesome.
he started out by just writing “hastag” whatever, but I guess someone clued him in to the fact that he needed the # symbol for it to work, so he added it in, but still kept writing hashtag as well. It’s all just too wholesome.
In one of the biggest sex abuse cases in sports history, more than 300 women and girls alleged that U.S. Olympic…
Cowboy-hat wearing WalMart yodeler. I think we know what kind of adult this kid is going to grow up to be.
Tom is a boyfriend you have in college that’s an asshole and you tell your friends that he’s just the brooding type and they don’t “get” him, but then a few months down the line you see him hitting on your roommate and he’s getting into too many bar fights and you break up and wish you had picked Riz.
When Kid Nation premiered on CBS in September 2007, it was quick to attract comparisons to Lord of the Flies,…
As someone who owns a Havanese (was thrown in a dumpster in Kentucky because she couldn’t breed anymore - at 1.5 years old)... I LOVE A FUCKING FLUFFY, PUFFY DOG.
My cousin and his wife use Blue Apron fairly frequently. Of course, he is an ER physician and she is a general surgeon (both in NYC), so the last thing they want to do with the little time that they have off of work and together is go grocery shopping.
Also, I’m pretty sure that Blue Apron costs less per person than…
“We can only wonder why folks would persist in defaming a great artist”
Yes, but Breyers doesn’t come with listeria. Sooooo….ya know, there’s that.
Congratulations, you’re watching too much television again. Go outside and play.
More like Slaytanists!!!!
We call that Freedom Foam.