To me it reads as an insulting lack of respect for everyone he interacts with.
To me it reads as an insulting lack of respect for everyone he interacts with.
I actually laughed involuntarily at Heughan’s acting in the penultimate ep of the season. It’s like this:
I’m so sick of this ‘historically accurate rape’ excuse. Did everybody get raped in the 1740’s? Did every single man beat his wife? NO gaddammit. Used to be, the guy who went against the grain and DID NOT beat his wife was the hero.
After seeing this horrific scene tangentially through the blur of fast forward I wonder how Sam Heughan felt when that drunken oaf Diana Gabaldon said at Paley Fest that she ‘looked forward’ to seeing Sam ‘raped and tortured’ *whereupons she slugs whiskey and burps crudely*. No. she was literally slugging whiskey at…
Not to creep people out unduly, but I suspect trafficking and all that this term implies. As some are saying below, this is an ideal way to raise your own live in maid. These days rich people import undocumented slave labor but back then ‘unwanted’ homegrown black children might have been the simpler route to take.…