Probably cause she was incessantly fat shamed during it, and wasn’t even fat.
Probably cause she was incessantly fat shamed during it, and wasn’t even fat.
It’s hard to keep defending female driven content as if success is an anomaly. Especially when you starred in Clueless...a fucking classic...written and directed by the criminally overlooked Amy Fucking Heckerling.
Don’t at least some men watch porn with anal sex in it? They not only see buttholes, a lot of the, want to fuck buttholes. I mean, how is this an issue to anyone?
Where is this? Was it on TV yet? It’s everything. Why don’t they tell me these things are happening???????
Because they don’t make that many movies with good parts for women her age. If she wants to do low paying indie movies, which has better female parts, as she ages... she needs to make money somehow.
This is why I never tried it. I get how freeing it is, but I do think it fucks with your sexual chemistry.
It looks really funny. You guys are buzzkills.
I love hi. He’s funny and cute. I don’t care if he’s stupid. I’m shallow.
British and Australian actors have much more extensive training than american actors. The arts are funded in Britain way more than they are here... acting and Shakespeare are treated as important cultural exports by the government. Even though American culture is profitable and one of our last remaining exports, we…
She’s also doing an NBC pilot.
I always thought all this vagina obsession was nuts until I went into menopause. I discovered that my clitoral orgasms were still great, or even better than before, but dryness became a thing. A thing with no viagra equivalent. Don’t say lube, I know know and lube can be useless post menopause. The hormone solutions…
Santa Clarita is great.
I refuse to watch cause he’s so not cute enough for her. Also, first episode he’s in a fucking ménage a trois (yeah right), and he shames the two crazily gorgeous girls who are trying to fuck his annoying ass.
Seriously, fuck him.
I don’t blame the right. They voted for their candidate. I blame the left for being underminers.
All those topics were in her platform. If you didn’t know that, you didn’t look.
Cannot wait for this. Brilliant.
Yes. My main point is Eden Sassoon’s weird fixation on Kim, plus her joking about xanax great for AA? Nah.
Totally agree. There’s definitely 2 sides to this topic. Not sure Real Housewives is the right venue, even though I love it.