Or ya know....you despise the PC culture that throws a temper tantrum any time someone disagrees with them
Or ya know....you despise the PC culture that throws a temper tantrum any time someone disagrees with them
Type on Mr. Comment section poster!!!
Lol you sound like a child
Lol are you 4? Too many participation trophies for you.
I voted for Trump
Isn’t it funny how people preach tolerance until someone has a different view than they do
Huh? Take off the roses!! Lol
You my friend are a brainwashed moron
A simple product of a government that encourages people to not work & receive welfare rather than work up from an entry level position & government policies that restrict full time employment for those that are looking for work.
Trump is your president, but keep acting 4, yep that makes you a “winner”
Sorry you’re learning you’re not special sniwflake
Hmmm Lena Dunham crying like a little bitch says otherwise🤔
You replied to 5 of my posts, I replied to your 5 replies & Im following you??? That’s ok trump gonna make you great too bro
Technically aka the way the election has been decided since the republic was founded......go read a history book there is a very good read popular vote isn’t used to determine elections. Keep making those excuses, but don’t worry trump is gonna make you great again too
Actually, America sexu used Hilary is too horrible
We don’t need facts, we need to make up a narrative to fit our outrage!
Because this man was 1/2 has age?
& nothing says deadspin like racists throwing skin color into every comment.
What was the point? That trump is our president?
So all that comes down to....you lost, trump won