
About the same as the taxation rate for a reality tv show host who launders russian mob money through his real estate properties?

It’s a lot like a normal marriage, but with the opposite electrical charge. If an anti-marriage touches a marriage, then they both vanish in an energetic reaction that emits the same amount of energy as contained in both marriages. They’re rare, but extremely dangerous.

Member of shitty family is accused of doing shitty things.

As a representative of my people, I can only confirm this as intermediately level whiteness.

Frankly, it’s shocking Goop isn’t telling her readers about the real source of most of their illnesses - Aspirational Exhaustion. Western medicine doesn’t recognize it yet, but it’s a well-known disorder in the alternative health community. Sufferers of Aspirational Exhaustion are often tired, pale (they are

The latest promos featured the Shadow King by name. I did choose to change the headline, but it isn’t something that’s being kept secret by the show anymore.

Tom Cruise is probably like already dead and they just have some Sea Org grunt slipping into his skin for press obligations.

Find yourself someone who looks at you like Lin Manuel Miranda looks at everybody.

Not all Peggys will fail, Bobby.

The enemy of my enemy is my newspaper.

The Secret is a great book. I picked up a hardcover copy at a used bookstore, glued the back cover shut, cut out the pages, and turned it into a hollowed-out book case for my ereader. I get the occasional odd look, but its from somebody who clearly has no idea what my copy’s secret really is.

Question, for a basic, everyday face, how many products do you all use? I always knew that beauty gurus were popular on Youtube, Instagram, etc but managed to go a long time without tuning into them. A couple weeks ago, I did and was surprised at how many layers they used for day-to-day looks, as well as how many

So, I auditioned for Jeopardy back in June and this week they gave me a call. I’m flying to CA in a few weeks to tape! Really excited but also quite nervous...

I have an idea for her daytime show:

Withholding evidence: very bad

I would like to jack it to this new trailer, thank you for asking. But unfortunately (fortunately?), there’s a new Target holiday commercial and it’s doing more for me.

She’s Ann Coulter’s MiniMe, except instead of smelling like stale cigarette smoke and Chardonnay, she smells of Mystic Tan fumes.

Hannibal for me!

Poisoned candy/tylenol kills innocent people = a permanently changed nation

I also love Milennial Chloe Sevigny