Besides, it can be dangerous to use a lighter to ignite a fuel-drenched barbeque grill. Lighting a massive fuel spill—one with flammable value—is best done from a distance.
Besides, it can be dangerous to use a lighter to ignite a fuel-drenched barbeque grill. Lighting a massive fuel spill—one with flammable value—is best done from a distance.
And it’s not as if this was a sudden change for Eugene. It has been developing for some time. I, for one, was glad to see him willing to take a stand, despite his admitted cowardice. Courage, after all, is not the ability to act without fear. It is there ability to act despite your fear.
That’s something they introduced a few seasons ago—as the zombies age, it becomes easier to penetrate their skulls. That’s not something you’d see in normal decay, but, hey, we’re dealing with the effects of a world-ending zombie virus, so who knows?
Could they have been on the wall above him, this behind him? That’s how I envisioned it must have happened while watching the episode.
Have you ever tried to pull a 10-year old kid anywhere? Or tried to carry one who doesn’t want to go anywhere? If trying to drag him, he’ll slump to the ground, often kicking and screaming. Carry him? Much the same result. Pick him up and he becomes a screaming zombie-beacon, and the person doing the carrying (Rick, I…