
If the Italian police really believe that Rudy Guede had accomplices why aren't they busy looking for them?

It's time for the Kercher family to ignore all the convoluted theories and unsubstantiated assumptions they were told by Mignini and reexamine this case from the very beginning. They were duped into believing Mignini's ridiculous theory right from the beginning, even before the defense had a chance to present their

The Kerchers don't know more about the case than all of us here. All they know is what the nutty prosecutor and their self-serving attorney told them at the very beginning of the case. Why did they launch a civil case against Knox & Sollecito from the very beginning before they had a chance to hear the defense's side

Amanda Knox's name should not be associated with a program called "Guilt". The Italian Supreme Court fully exonerated her and Raffaele Sollecito. They were proven to be innocent and should be allowed to get on with their lives.