
Well, at least it's a cycle, not the Spiral... (Why does my mind make these connections)

Minecraft won the grand prize in 2011, when it was still in beta.

Already have one, thanks.

Okay, this is a good point. I give you credit for having the most solid counterpoint I've seen.

The games are on his hard drive? I see a list of games, of which none are installed (as displayed by the gray color).

Point taken, yeah.

As a joke, I personally feel it doesn't work at all. Now, if he was storming Valve or something, that would be funny. Breaking his computer with a hammer.. eh?

How does that do anything? All the games exist digitally, on your account. Congratulations, you just destroyed a machine fully irrelevant to Steam?

Technically not a button, but the Game Boy power switch deserves recognition. That smooth sliding feeling, that thick yet weighty friction, that SNIP sound when you complete it. It deserves to be known.

UPlay is bullshit. The malfunctioning it does with Might and Magic Heroes VI is legendary in it's sheer hilarity - locking you out of the actual game because it bugs out and misplaces your unlocked status. And it keeps Might and Magic X - A game made in Unity - locked to windows because Uplay is. I really wish Ubisoft

Now playing

I might be jumping the gun a little, but at this point I think Kill la Kill has more than earned it's wings.

Last I heard, copyrights don't just get claimed by anyone who wants to claim them. Someone has to own them first, I think? Unless I didn't get the memo.

I'm pretty sure that word beyond cosplay is "acting".

Basically, the titans are hard-coded to eat humans. The entirety of humanity (as far as we know) is held up in a walled-off environment too large for the titans to scale - until the beginning of the series when one of the walls falls.

In all seriousness I do agree that it was a fantastic analog stick. Just not the iconic Saturn gamepad. Which I looved the feel of.

Hush you! We don't speak of the NiGHTS Disk!

Analog sticks? Who needs a damn analog stick?

Oh hey, Log Horizon actually does the MMO concept right, unlike Sword Art Online which took an interesting concept and quickly killed it along with the thousands of people who die in the first episode because reasons.

I want to see someone remove that quote from that image so it can be easily stuck into other images ironically. Also I love boss fights. I even liked the Bioshock one once I understood how it functioned (which the game was REALLY bad at teaching that.)

I play and love Skylanders. Have since the first generation, and am still working through Swap Force. Also have played Infinity.