
Lmfao. This is so funny and so true. It’s symbolic of trump supporters’ pure lack of basic logic and inability to grasp very basic and fundamental concepts. Assuredly they have mental deficiencies.

They want Starbucks to be as racist and conservative as they are. Anyone who won’t go along with their bullying is a “pansy”, etc.

It actually isn’t their job to write your name on the cup. You paid for coffee, they have to give you your coffee, but that’s it. The name is purely a tool to make their job easier, but they can write or not write as they desire.

They say that they hate starbucks over and over but keep going back and getting re-offended by lame ass shit. Kinda like the guy that yells really loud about how homosexuality is a sin but is toe tappin dudes in the airport bathroom. The more I see this the more I think that people of this mind set must run on

If someone came to my job acting like a dick trying to get me to do something for their amusement I would refuse too, despite it being easy to accomplish. Just buy your drink like a normal person and keep it moving. No one has time for your mental masturbation.

Have you ever been a cashier, or waited tables? There is a point at which nobody will stand for certain shit. These are people who go to Starbucks to start a fight, and while just writing the word seems like way to sidestep all this, the same assholes will just do something else. So deciding not to play with somebody

That the guy in the video was spouting off that he had already called the corporate office and had them confirm that any name could be written on a cup leads me to believe that this guy miiiiiiiiiight be a bit of a problem customer.

Don’t be an idiot, continue going there and spending your money in PROTEST. That’s the smart decision.

Question: what the hell is it about Starbucks that sets conservatives off?