
Unless you’re magically hooking up both phases without a short (aka the entire door) 220 doesn’t exactly do much more than the 110v would...

Also... good luck getting your opener isolated from that...

My message was in reply to the picture Vee Zee Posted...

Note that Bernie’s not on there. I don’t get political but the guy’s got his shit together...

Funny enough, MO is spot on.

Also...I have yet to see a comment disputing this, although every other state is fighting its ass off...

Crap I’m in MO too and I’d never even thought of wind turbine...until now. My wallet thanks you... /sarcasm...

Power outage that outlived my UPS. To be fair, all the PC did was act as a screendoor PC and run torrents 24/7 dumping them onto an NAS box. Good PC - rock solid WinXP Pro back in my dorm room days...

Eh. I’ve gotten to 357 days. Little bastard just couldn’t make it a full year...

Uh... Joplin’s the opposite side of the state... Bootheel is SE, Joplin is SW corner.

Sidenote: I learned the same. Never heard of this guy...

Last time I did something like that it exploded on the launch pad... KSP was just like “Uh, hell no.”

Or on your first attempted moon landing where your orbital speed’s still just a bit too high on landing... *sigh* I was so close...

This is hauntingly familiar to all of my attempted vertical landings in Kerbal...


Good to see someone else who knows far too much about this... I almost died laughing when I read about the design of Windscale (minus the fact that it was a serious accident) but after researching Chernobyl for most of my life out of curiousity and then reading about graphite moderation with AIR instead of water... I

:D Because I was a wannabe nuclear engineer that had to switch to Electrical :( lol

+1. Not safety though. Politics and hideously poor reactor and test design on Chernobyl. I really wish I’d spent less of my life studying it lol

1) Breeder reactors for reprocessing spent fuel - not a new idea, always tied up in legislation...

Well worth the play time... although I'm replaying the series (I always go 2, 2:1, 2:2) and I still can't really bring myself to finish the original... I still have a massive backlog of games bought on steam sales, etc...and I took time to replay them this week. Story, gameplay, everything...

Actually the one thing:

Just saying...

Most of the houses I've seen wired have the neturals running in the same switch box... it's actually shockingly uncommon for them not to all be tied together in the box just stuffed in the back. Clearly not a catch-all, but I do have people bringing in pictures of their wiring all day for me to diagnose...so...

Still doesn't beat the original Force Feedback Pro. I was so sad the first day we bought a new PC when I realized it no longer had a game port (and at the time I had no idea how to make it work).