High Tech Low Life

“My moist bush awaits your warm tongue...” Shit wrong number!

These women are idiots. Where have they been the past 8 years while Obama not only carried on the Bush wars, but also started a half dozen new ones? This is the first time I’ve heard of them since the 2008 RNC convention.

Now playing

“they also are a perfect commercial for Trump’s followers. “Welcome Refugees” is exactly what they think Hillary is going to do. (i.e. just like Germany). If anything it is only going to strengthen their resolve to elect Trump.”

they also are a perfect commercial for Trump’s followers. “Welcome Refugees” is exactly what they think Hillary is going to do. (i.e. just like Germany). If anything it is only going to strengthen their resolve to elect Trump.

Hey why are you guys censoring High Tech Low Life’s comments about Hillary and the child rapist? You guys scared of the truth? This site disgusts me more and more every day.

You hate him for doing his job?

..when I hear about these cops being assassinated part of me says, “good”. It’s an inevitability.

I’d say the pot and kettle thing but that’s probably labeled racist these days.

Fuck this little cocksucker. I’m supposed to apologize to people now because my parents busted their asses in this country and made a good living for themselves and their family? I’m supposed to open my pockets up now for these lowlife welfare recipient thugs who don’t even give a shit about their kids and take shits

Or hes a dumbass kid who thinks he already knows how the world works.

This reminds me of the time that transgender person took pictures of the women in the ladies bathroom at Target on Monday:

This reminds me of the time that transgender person took pictures of the women in the ladies bathroom at Target on Monday:

This reminds me of the time that transgender person took pictures of the women in the ladies bathroom at Target on Monday: