High Road

Maybe, just maybe there is enough shit sticking to Teflon Don that this time he won’t be able to clean it off. Time will tell, but he must be getting nervous.

Today was a good day. 

The man is not a good actor. He only has one shtick and it’s tired.

Originally Buzzfeed said they had “documents and witnesses” to back up their claims. I’m thinking now would be a good time to produce said documents.

That’s the sound of poor craftsmanship. Should of bought a Chevy.

True car guys would never buy any American car with a 4 banger. Period.

Come on, this is obviously just a ruse to make sure that Trump doesn’t cancel the speech for “security reasons. The Dems are dying to let him go on national TV and tell more lies; it will only hurt him. No matter how rosy of a picture he tries to paint everyone knows that America is in dire straights, both

I saw Green Day in Seattle in the mid 90's, (after they were mainstream). Great show but the crowd was mostly young teenage pop-punk mutts who had just gotten their first taste of rebellion by arguing with their parents (who picked them up and hour later). 

Haha, who would buy a 4 cylinder Mustang? Is this a joke?

Yeah but...Bernie CANNOT beat Trump. Period. He doesn’t and never will have enough support. Get over him, and please don’t fuck things up and waste your voting on Bernie, again. 

Fine, don’t eat. Like we care. 

Typical politician, swaying in the wind

Just so I’m clear; I’m now supposed to hate CBS because...there aren’t as many black as there are white reporters? Okay, got it. But to be honest I really don’t think this is solely the fault of CBS.

Brah, you CANNOT beat Trump, get over your arrogant self!! Sheesh. These youngins are starting to piss me off. They need to get their little wannabe pea brains out of the clouds and learn how to toe the party line. The Dems need to get serious, and guys this are nothing but a fucking joke!!

Whether or not Trump had a Russian dick up his ass is irrelevant, the fact that he tried to cover it up is what truly matters. 

Scary part is that even if Trump were banished today, Pence’s choice would be even further to the right. It’s dire to be sure. 

It’s not just age, it’s also gender, education, race etc. From what I gather; old, poor, college educated, Hispanic women are the worst offenders.

I will not be watching either side. This entire shit show is a complete waste of time and only serves to piss off an already irate country. 

Last time the republicans gave us a recession we were hemorrhaging 800K jobs a month, and we quickly learned that you can’t go ‘from welfare to work’ when there ain’t no work. What happens when Bankruptcy Don is done destroying the economy? Do we just let people starve?

If you don’t like the rules then move, but stop whining, it just makes you look stupid.