High Road

Really? With everything going on the world this is what you find interesting? Weak.

Arrgh. I hate the thought that Trump’s sheep are buying into this bullshit. The Dems showed up to discuss the shutdown, NOT listen to an inane spiel about border security. I’m glad the walked.

Yeah sure, be she does’t have a chance in hell. SHE CANNOT WIN!! The Dems needs an old, fat arrogant white guy to beat Trump. Period.

No deal. Period. The Dems need to hold their ground until Trump either cracks or does something so insane that even his suckass GOP supporters walk away. 

I have a friend who is blind. He has a government contract to run the cafe/coffee shop at the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) facility in Seattle. It’s a good contract only offered to persons who are sight impaired. He puts in at least 80 hours a week. He has a wife (also blind) and a set of 2

Putting all their eggs in one basket...case. 

I’m glad Comey has done a lot of damage to Trump, but I’m afraid that if he doesn’t stfu he is going to ruin all of the good that he has done.

I stopped listening after “the brilliance of Donald Trump”.

Back in the day when Bush/Cheney won their second term I bought my far-left leaning parents some Halliburton stock as a joke. It doubled.

That’s awesome, and ‘67 is my favorite year.

So duct tape is out? 

So duct tape is out? 

It’s Texas, he ran against Ted Cruz. What the fuck was he suppose to do? Give me break.

The media will always support anyone who sells papers, regardless.

I don’t like HW any more than I like GW, but...the dude’s dead; rehashing stories like this just make us all look bad. 

You have to wonder what his sheep think when he does stuff like this. How do they continue to support such an imbecile

Abcde. Pronounced; Bullymerelentlessly.

Ironically, if you add up the manufacturing cost off all 150 of these cheap, plastic imported pieces of crap it is also less than $20.

Ironically, if you add up the manufacturing cost off all 150 of these cheap, plastic imported pieces of crap it is al

Don’t Trump’s supporters and the like hate the Census and even threaten to shoot Census takers if they come on their property? How are they going to feel about their Dear Leader now? 

It should be equal pay, but it would still take at least a million bucks to get me on a 60 foot wave.

I don’t know the truth, and maybe I’ve lived in Seattle too long, but the concept of arresting someone for a tiny amount of pot just seems so fucking antiqued.