
You dismissed it by the way you said it, you were using a generalized concept and applying it to Veit’s personal singular experience. When you were addressing the matter and saying “There is no way . . .”, you are stating a fact that not any one person or people may never know what would have happened if they didn’t


Title of said Anime “Is it wrong to star my wife in every movie involving a game franchise?”


So they finally made the portable version!

. . . and now I cannot unsee it.

Get All Seven to get Exclusive Buruma’s Pantsu

That Wonder Woman Statue deal is no longer there.

That Wonder Woman Statue deal is no longer there.

I can’t decide if its Goltzius or Bosch inspired, perhaps both, rotund Pickachu points towards Bosch but needs more surreal insane stuff going on. 

I found myself yelling out loud at the behest of my neighbors “Y’ALL WANNA CATCH-A-RRRRIIIIDDEEEE!”

I would say play ‘Brown Dust’ as it has enough ‘game’ where your unit placement and order can make a huge difference, its more tactics and strategy than the others I have played.  There are mechanics in place where even your average units can be fused/combined to get random higher starred units.

The air drop crates are the random instances “unknown activity” that show up on the map, but those as far as i’ve seen are 3 crates randomly placed on the ground. The ones I’ve seen in trees and rooftops, I believe are hard coded to the environment.

I’m glad they’re branching out with new ideas for the game.

Is that a Bat-stache in the second pic? Oh wait nvm took a look at the original article its the open mouth scowl mask.

Agree they need a new ‘classic monster’ PVE event, maybe payload to deliver holy water to Vampire’s Castle, with dressed up minions as werewolf/mummy/zombie-bots.

Aye its difficult for teams especially when they haven’t gotten the timing of Val-Hazaaks ‘Tells’ and attacks down, also especially the area rotation due to the Efluvial Acid in the Rotten Vale (I used the Necklace that mitigates that). Also gear up with Efluvial resistance gems, Divine Blessing (Protection) Gem, Mega

Now playing

Just have this playing in the background it’ll put a smile on your face.

Take it with a grain of salt but looking at one of their facebook posts of another controller, the ensuing comments of bad customer service along with only a 14-day return policy, I’d be very cautious about purchasing or even pre-ordering this one.

Although not a cosplayer these thighs are the closest

I think that was Sony/Naughty Dog for the Last of Us for the resemblance to the Ellie’s Character but only explored her options but I don’t think anything came out of it.